Implications of training on the performance of employees of the Trust Insurance Company in Gaza

  • Hazem Ahmed Farawneh Abi Bakr Belkaid University, Tlemcen - Algeria
Keywords: Training, Training Programs, Training Strategy, Employee Performance, Trust Insurance Company


The study aims at clarifying the degree to which Trust Insurance Company applies the stages of the training process through a strategic approach by clarifying the application of the steps to build the training strategy in addition to identifying the most prominent types of training programs provided to the employees and understanding the commitment of senior management and adopting and supporting the training strategy Of modern technology as the basis for the implementation of training strategy programs. The main findings are that there is a relationship between the quality of the training programs and the level of senior management and the level of technology in the Trust Company for insurance and the impact of training on the performance of employees. The most important recommendations are the need for the company to provide more attention and support from senior management to adopt clear strategies for training emanating from the general strategy of the company. And the need to diversify the training methods provided to their employees as they focus on the method of lectures and functional turnover to a large extent and therefore must be added to discussion methods and case studies, committees and conferences to these methods because of their impact on improving performance levels of employees in this company.


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