The economic return of knowledge the based education by estimating the mincer earning function in Algeria -the stages of basic education, secondary and university-

  • Kamal ben Dakfel University of Mohamed Boudiaf Messila - Algeria
  • Attalah Ben tairech University of Ghardaia - Algeria
  • Ibrahim Douar University of Ghardaia, Algeria
Keywords: human capital, the economics of education, the yield of education, earning a function


There is no doubt that any inputs economic system, and the current economic system is the most important input in human resource knowledge-based so that if we follow the evolution of human resources management, we will find it in the current period is paying unprecedented attention to this element, as she moved then as just a supplier to some extent considered a fortune must maintain and invest in them, and must have all the decisions related to it enough attention, how can it not a source of thought and the deposit, which is able to run and employ the rest of the material resources available, and is the sole supplier of enterprise resource stainless decreased obsolescence and tradition. on the contrary, It is growing and is renewed constantly, as this importance, draws the attention of researchers in different specialities to maximize the benefit, the researchers named him in the management of human capital Sciences. Hence we tried through this paper is to highlight the value of the field of education in Algeria by sex and by levels of education by estimating earnings for function MINCER and from the knowledge of the profitability of investment in the education sector, the various stages


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