Eco-Tourism In Marine Protected Areas As A Tool For Environmental Security In Coral Triangle Region

  • Aisha Ghadamesi University of Constantine 2 - Algeria
Keywords: Coral triangle, marine ecosystems, coral reefs, environmental security, ecotourism


The Coral Triangle region stretches across six countries in Southeast Asia and Pacific (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste), it is considered as the world's center of marine diversity and a major source of direct and indirect income for millions of people. Hence, the importance of the research aimed at highlighting the most significant threats facing the marine ecosystems, especially coral reefs. It also deals with the several efforts of the region’s countries to achieve environmental security.

The study shows that the regional cooperation and involving the community in environmental conservation and ecotourism programs will reduce the negative impacts of climate change, pollution and overfishing practices the coral triangle is facing.


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