Unconventional finance in Algeria - reality and prospects

  • nabila masiliati University of Mostaganem
  • salima bin zaemat University of Mostaganem
  • yazid taqrarat University of Oum El Bouaghi
Keywords: : law on the cash and loan, non-traditional financing


Algeria has recently issued law N° 10-17 on the cash and loan and which complement the provisions of order N°11-03, through article 45 bis. In order to contribute to cover the financing requirements of the treasury, the internal public debt financing and the financing of the national fund for investment, this is what is known as non-traditional financing which we will tray in this paper to highlight on the goal of resorting to this type of financing.


المادة 45 مكرر-قانون رقم 17-10 المؤرخ في 11/10/2017 يتمم الأمر 03-11 المؤرخ في 26/08/2003 المتعلق بالنقد و القرض-الجريدة الرسمية رقم 57 المؤرخة في 12/10/2017- ص4.

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