Brand name selection is an essential step towards the success of the organization

  • mohamad Eajilat University of Ghardaia
  • khathir Chin university of M'Sila
Keywords: Trademark, Brand Name, Foreign Trademarks


The survival of the brand in the market depends on the solidity of the foundations on which it is built, and for this the Foundation attaches great importance to building the brand out of familiarity with all its components and the most important of these components the name, and this study came to highlight the importance of the latter and the methodology of choosing it through several stages that the institution must follow To come up with a strong name that allows her to form a positive mental image. As we discussed these stages in detail, trying to highlight the types of trademark names that can be used, concluding the study by addressing some of the names of well-known trademarks, their meanings and the origin of their name.


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