Online Advertising and its Impact on Consumer Behavior “An analytical study of the views of a sample of the surfers the website of Tourist”

  • zineb reg university of laghouat
  • khadidja attia university of Laghouat
Keywords: online advertising, mental image, E-tourism sites


This paper seeks to identify the impact of online advertising On the image of the tourist destination by an analytical study of the views of a sample of consumers of the services provided by tourist websites, the study identified independent variable was the) online advertising , and the dependent variable) Tourist destination image(, and to achieve the objectives of the study questionnaire was developed for the purpose of collecting data from respondents and reached a population (54) single, to reach to study in the last set of results was notably: That there is a role for the dimensions of the online advertising adopted by air Algeria on the behavior of individuals.

The study recommends the latter need to increase more attention online advertising programs have an important role to give members in the consumer behavior.


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