Attitudes of Internet users in Algeria towards e-marketing - Empirical Study -

  • Mohammed Al-Saeed Saidani University of Ghardaia
  • Aisha Bouamer university of Laghouat
Keywords: E-Marketing, Usage skills, Interactivity skills, Confidence, Motivation


This study aims to know the trends of Internet users in Algeria towards e-marketing, so a main hypothesis was formulated that there is a positive trend for internet users towards e-marketing, and the study also relied on a set of indicators (use skills, interaction skills, confidence, and motivation) represented in the indicators An indication of this approach, the opinions of a sample of 200 randomly selected individuals were taken.

The study concluded that there is a positive trend for Internet users towards e-marketing in general, while the study showed that interaction skills have no effect on electronic orientation, and a set of recommendations were made, the most important of which was raising the efforts of institutions in the field of pushing the user towards the direction of e-marketing, By enhancing the feeling of trust, safety and confidentiality.


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