Available financing alternatives in light of the Islamic economy

  • Wassila Sabti University of Biskra
  • Mohammad Aberkan University of Mostaganem
Keywords: Islamic economy, sources of finance, banks, the national economy


This study aims to demonstrate the importance of sources of financing in the light of the Islamic economy. This is in light of the scarcity of financing resources available on the one hand, and the acceptance they received in Islamic societies on the other hand, as all countries of the world rushed to provide these formulas based on the Islamic religion, and Britain is considered one of the first countries to do so by opening many banks that These formulas provide a suitable environment for her to develop various treatments.

This study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: the need to provide a group of banks that are interested in these formulas, and to enact laws that control the practice in this area, and the focus should be on activities that allow creating added value for the national economy.


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