Marketing on the Website and its Impact on the Quality of Tourism Services: An Applied Study on a Sample of Tourist Agencies in Algeria

  • Al-Taher Hussam El-Din chalali University of Biskra
  • abdellah Sailaa University of Bechar
Keywords: Website, quality of tourism services, e-tourism, tourist agency


This study aims to identify the impact and the relationship between the “Web 2.0” websites, which are specialized in the touristic sector, the quality of the customers’ touristic services, and the quick and accurate information it provides about touristic destinations and the characteristics of touristic attraction. In this respect, this study uses theoretical and practical analysis, each one separately together with the interrelated effect between them, using a survey that was distributed to(170sample members) the target population visiting the websites of the tourist agencies and their pages on Facebook, and was analysedby Spss v21, The study has found a number of results from the existence of an effective presence of "information adequacy and electronic accessibility easiness" on the quality of tourism services for the sample under study.


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