Tourism marketing strategy for the destination of Algeria - based on the scheme (SDAT) 2030-

  • Mohamed Islam Tali University of Ouargla
  • Ratiba Taibi University of Ouargla
Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Tourist poles of excellencet, Tourism Strategy, plan of tourist development


This study aims to highlight and reveal the tourism strategy to market the destination of Algeria and achieve tourism transformation through the seven tourist poles and its role in promoting tourism in Algeria and turning it into a tourist destination on the Maghreb, Arab and international level and converting it from a sending country to a future country.

 Tourism through the seven poles of the franchise and distributed to different parts of the country, where the abundance of the potential and qualifications of large tourism and characterized by the diversification of investment projects of hotels and tourist villages that would enhance the status and share of the Oz to attract the largest possible number of foreign tourists and local tourists, so allowing it to be a tourist destination par excellence and seek to create a constant flow of tourism throughout the year


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الكتاب 3 ، الأقطاب السياحية السبعة للامتياز ، التقرير العام حول المخطط التوجيهي للتهيئة السياحية ،SDAT 2025، وزارة تهيئة الإقليم و البيئة والسياحة، ص 76 -77.
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الكتاب السادس، الخلاصة العامة للمخطط التوجيهي للتهيئة السياحية 2030 وزارة تهيئة الإقليم والسياحة والصناعات التقليدية، ص25.