Organizational culture and its role in achieving innovation for business organizations -Case Study Poval Barouaguia-

  • Hachmi Baadj university of Laghouat
  • Akila Bassour univrsity of Algeria
Keywords: organizational culture, creativity, creative behavior


This research aims to know the relationship and impact between organizational culture through its dimensions (shared values, system skills, method) and the creativity of organizations through (individual creativity, collective creativity and organizational creativity). The problem of research

was identified in the main question whether there is a role for organizational culture in achieving creativity in organizations, and for this to develop a hypothetical research scheme that translates the main hypotheses and sub-hypotheses, and in order to ensure the validity of hypotheses have all

undergone statistical tests. The research used the questionnaire as a means of obtaining data where the research community was from the frames in the Boval Foundation. The research applied the random sample in selecting (38) of the high tires and controllers. The data were analyzed using a set of statistical methods as well as processed by SPSS 20spss The research reached a set of conclusions and recommendations, including that the prevailing organizational culture in the Boval Foundation, falls within the intermediate level, and found a statistically significant effect of the elements of organizational culture, combined in the creativity

of the Boval Foundation, and the results of the research showed that after the common values ​​and skills, has Significant influence in leveraging Boval's creativity


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