The impact of direct marketing on customer loyalty Case study institution Djezzy-Laghouat-

  • charaf zaui University of Ammar Thleiji, Laghouat - Algeria
  • abdeldjabar mokhtari University of Ammar Thleiji, Laghouat - Algeria


 this study aims to know the impact of the direct marketing on customer loyalty in the institution Djezzy in Laghouat, by his most important méthodes and  how to affact customer loyalty, wich has bacome important for instisutions to achive the continuity and leadership, the researcher used a questiinnaire that was distributed to a sample of the study  and we have used (SPSS.21.) to process the data.

The results of the study showed the existence an impact between direct marketing and loyalty  ,and the Good uses of direct marketing methods (selling men,online contact,the phone…) helps achive customer  loyalty.


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