" Quantitative easing as a tool for unconventional monetary policy "the case of the United States &

  • HOCINNE TAYOUBE Université Mohamed Khaider-Biskra (Algérie)
  • FARID BEN ABIDE Université Mohamed Khaider-Biskra (Algérie)
  • IKRAM HADJAB Centre universitaire Morsli Abdallah - Tipaza (Algérie)
Keywords: Unconventional monetary policy, Quantitative easing, USA, Britain


This study aimed to highlight the role of quantitative easing as an instrument of unconventional monetary policy that countries used to refinance economic activity in the event of a crisis, as the problem of the study centered on how to implement the quantitative easing policy, and the extent of its success in both the United States of America and Britain. That when financial crises occur, short-term interest rates are at a low level, yet it is difficult to stimulate the economy, and thus the central bank intervenes by targeting long-term interest rates by purchasing long-term government bonds, so the monetary base expands and rises with it Consumption and investment in general, leading to the kinetic economic revitalization.


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