Financial education as a basic mechanism for promoting financial inclusion in Arab countries

  • GAZAL MEFTAH University of Algiers 3, Algeria
  • MOURAD BERKHAT University of Algiers 3, Algeria
Keywords: Financial culture, financial education, financial inclusion, Arab countries


In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, address poverty and integrate the informal economy, the countries of the world are currently seeking to involve society segments of society, especially the poor and the disadvantaged in the economy and financial system, and this through circulating financial services to different members of society according to their needs and requirements fairly and transparently, embodying financial inclusion, and aiming This study indicates the relationship between financial inclusion and financial culture, especially in the Arab countries, where an understanding of banking products and services is a prerequisite for generalization, good use, and effective use of them. Likewise, having an account A banker acts as a catalyst for a better understanding of financial concepts and principles. Usually low levels of financial inclusion are associated with a low level of financial culture. Therefore, financial education has become a necessity to facilitate access to financial products and services and encourage their use. Therefore, this study has been identified in various basic concepts of financial inclusion and financial culture In addition to knowing the reality of financial inclusion in Arab countries and their levels and the role of financial education in promoting financial inclusion in Arab countries.


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