The role of accounting professionals in adopting environmental CSR to contribute to sustainable development

  • khdidja mellak University of Lonnisi Ali (Blida 2) - Algeria
  • khdidja mellak University of Lonnisi Ali (Blida 2) - Algeria
  • khdidja refif University of Lonnisi Ali (Blida 2) - Algeria
Keywords: Social and environmental responsibility for the enterprise, sustainable development, environmental accounting, accounting professionals


The interest in social and environmental performance in recent years has led to the emergence of a new trend of economic enterprise integration into its schemes by adopting the concept of social responsibility in general and environmental social responsibility in particular. Accounting and other management systems of the organization responded to these changes through the emergence of social responsibility accounting and environmental accounting, we saw through our research highlighting the role of accounting professionals in adopting and applying social-environmental responsibility - by adding the environmental variable to their tasks Classics that focus on the economic and financial aspect and this is in order to contribute to sustainable development.



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