the impact of the adoption of governance principles on improving the performance of the fiscal administration in Algeria -empirical study for the direction of the taxes of the wilaya of médéa

  • HAKIM boudjettou University of Université de Yahya Faris Medea (Algérie)
  • abdelkhader souna جامعة يحي فارس المدية (الجزائر )
Keywords: corporate governance, the performance, fiscal administration, stakeholders


This study aims at knowing the impact of adopting corporate governance principles on the performance of the fiscal administration in Algeria, through the application of the study on fiscal administration in the wilaya of Meda. The descriptive and analytical approaches are used, and two questionnaires were developed: The first for tax administration governance made of five paragraphs. The second for the performance of the tax administration made of seven paragraphs. The study finding is: A statistically significant effect of adopting corporate governance principles on the performance of the fiscal administration was found


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