Requirements for activating the circular economy to achieve sustainable environmental development

  • RIHAB ALISLAM University of Ammar Thleiji, Laghouat - Algeria
  • SELIMAN CHIBOUT University of Djelfa, Algeria
Keywords: Circular Economy, Linear Economy, Sustainable Development


The economic changes sweeping the global economy formed a fundamental role in the orientation towards the circular economy and its applications, as it is an exceptional and important factor for the various economic sectors, for what it will do in the future in achieving sustainable environmental development, of which the circular economy is one of the most important means, and the main aspect of the study lies in identifying The role of the circular economy as one of the most modern applications of the global economy to achieve sustainable development, as the topic of the circular economy is widely used in the economic literature due to its necessity and importance for the various institutions. It can be said as a conclusion that the circular economy contributes to the processes of economic development through its tasks in allowing the expansion of the circle of industrial cooperation and coexistence through economic incentives and regulatory frameworks as well as increasing awareness and skills, which is required to ensure the availability of favorable conditions for the establishment of this system, which was a justification for its adoption as one of the solutions To reach sustainable environmental development.


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