Challenges and obstacles to impementing customer knowledge management in Algerian public banks – a case study of some banks in Wilaya of Mila-

  • amina kadja Qasdi Merbah University, Algeria
  • omar benabderrahmane Malaysian Islamic Scientific University
Keywords: Customer Knowledge Management, organizational challenges, customer consistency, public banks


This study aims at identifiying the main obstacles as well as the challenges that public banks at the city of Mila encounter. In order to achieve this purpose, a questionnaire was used as a tool which was distributed to 50 employees.

Through the analysis of the questionnaire results; it was concluded that the most important challenges that the studied banks encounter are the lack of organizational stucture of Customer Knowledge Management(CKM) as an apparent element. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of customers is also the main obstacle that the studied banks encounter in applying CKM. Henceforth, it is necessary for the studied banks to pay more attention to the CKM and adopt it to their organazational structure as well as employing it in developing the banking services.


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