The Investing in The Agricultural Sector in The Framework of Activating Economic Diversification in Algeria

  • fadhila mazouzzi University of Ammar Thleiji, Laghouat - Algeria
  • MOHAMED khauidri University of Ammar Thleiji, Laghouat - Algeria
Keywords: Investment, Resource Allocation, The Agriculture Sector, Diversification Economic


This study aims to shed light on the reality of the agricultural sector as another source of income for the advancement of the national economy and the challenges it faces, especially in terms of the investment component or the so-called fixed capital as a major determinant of economic diversification. In the sector compared to its counterparts from other sectors, the control of the public sector by the private sector in terms of the value added of the same sector, as well as the migration of labour from the sector to other sectors, in this context, resources must be allocated to the agricultural sector when compared to the value added provided by this sector.


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