Cleaning of rooms in hospitals and the fight against infectious risk: exploratory study in health facilities in the wilaya of Bejaia.

  • Mahdia Boulahouat Université de Bejaia
Keywords: cleaning, hospital, hygiene, risk, infections


Hospitals are organizations whose cleaning is not carried out in the same way as other places (premises, houses, administrations..). This is related to the sensitivity of hospitals, which are places conducive to the development and proliferation of micro-organisms. Thus, these 'high-risk' establishments require the intervention of cleaning specialists.


The main objective of our study is to assess the cleaning practices practised in the health facilities of the Bejaia wilaya, and its contribution to the fight against nosocomial infections. The investigation uncovered deficiencies and malfunctions in the cleaning process in the hospitals under investigation, from which it is essential to put emergency measures in place to remedy the situation.


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