The impact of services e-marketing in achieving the customer perceived value A case study of Ooredoo Telecom Corporation in Algeria

  • Malika Tolba Larbi Tebessi University
  • Houda Bouhnik Larbi Tebessi University
Keywords: services e-marketing, perceived value, marketing mix, Ooredoo


This study aimed to know the extent to which the services e-marketing contributes to create the customer perceived value in Ooredoo, The activities of organizations today are no longer focused on service offerings as much as they focus on value offers, this latter can be achieved through the electronic media on which e-marketing depends. The study focused on the approaches to the marketing mix, and highlighted its impact on creating perceived values for Ooredoo’s customers.

          The study based on the descriptive analytical approach, And the use of the statistical analysis program SPSS 23 and its application on 112 forms, It concluded that there is a statistically significant effect of the e-marketing mix on the perceived value of Ooredoo customers, and the most important recommendations offered were the need for Ooredoo to establish interactive relationships with its

customers to have a positive impact in the community about the values which offers them.


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