The impact of applying the quantitative easing policy on unemployment rates -an econometric study on the US economy using the VECM Model-

  • Zoubeyr BENAMEUR Ferhat Abbas University
  • Mohammed CHAIB Ferhat Abbas University
Keywords: quantitative easing, interest rate, unemployment rate, VECM model.


This study aims to estimate the effect of applying the quantitative easing policy on unemployment rates in the US economy, as it recorded high unemployment rates after the mortgage crisis, by applying the vector error correction model to monthly data during the period (from 11-2008 to 12-2019).

The results of the study showed the existence of a co-integration between the unemployment rate and the various variables representing the quantitative easing policy, There is a positive effect in the long term of the quantitative easing policy on unemployment rates, but it has weak effects compared to the effects of medium-term interest rates, and there is no relationship between the study variables in Short-term.


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