The role of intellectual capital as a requirement for a successful transition to e-governance- Case study of the regional agency for social development ADS - Annaba-

  • Malika Abedghers 1945/05/08 University
  • Hamza Baali 1945/05/08 University
Keywords: intellectual capital, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital, E-Management, social development agency ADS


The aim of the study was to highlight and clarify the role of intellectual capital as a strategic requirement for the application of e-governance in the social development agency (ADS). To achieve this goal, researchers used a questionnaire, which would be 23-paragraph in four areas). Human capital, structural capital, relationship capital, e-governance) For the purpose of data collection, after confirmation of veracity and data was distributed to the 53 community samples, and hypotheses were tested using the multiple linear regression method.     
         The study concluded that there was a positive effect and a positive relationship of components of intellectual capital)Human Capital, Relationship Capital (on the successful transformation of the enterprise towards e-governance, resulting in the excellence and excellence of enterprises in providing better and higher quality services, helping them to achieve their objectives and meet the needs and wishes of clients, while the intellectual capital component of structural capital has no bearing on the successful application of e-governance to the enterprise in question.


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