A standard study of the possibility of applying green human resources management at the Algerian University using the program SPSS

  • Hamid Hakem University of Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria)
  • Mohamed Kameli University of Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria)
Keywords: green human resource management, green recruitment practices, green training practices


The study aims at the possibility of applying green human resources  management to the Algerian university. The study concluded that indicated the largest percentage does not agree with the practices of green human resources management, due to the university's adoption of traditional methods of attracting, employing training and green compensation, however, with the outbreak of the Corona virus, Covid 19, and the application of the distance education policy, it has suggested the possibility of applying green human resources practices and there is a link between green employment analysis and green human resources management., there is a correlation between green polarization and the management of green human resources, there is a correlation between green training and the management of green human resources, and There is a correlation between green compensation and green human resources management.


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