Role of Structural Empowerment on Organizational Conflict Management -Case Study on the Directorate of Maintenance in Laghouat (DML)-

  • Ahmed El Amine Yousfi High National School of Management (ENSM)
  • Aboubakeur Boussalem University Center of Nour Bachir El-Bayadh
Keywords: empowerment, Structural empowerment, conflict, conflict management styles


The aim of this research is to highlight the role of structural empowerment and its dimensions on organizational conflict management and its styles from the point of view of the employees of the directorate of maintenance in Laghouat state (DML). Survey data was collected through distributing 100 questionnaires, 96 was recovered. 79 were fit for statistical analysis. Survey data was analysed using structural equation modelling using PLS methodology. After the statistical analysis using the programme (Smart PLS version 3.0), the results showed there is no role of structural empowerment on organizational conflict and its styles.


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