Study of the mechanical behavior of dune sand treated by hydraulic binders: application in the road geotechnical field

  • Ali Smaida Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria
  • Smail Haddadi Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria
  • Ammar Nechnech Laboratory Environment, Water, Geomechanics and Structures, (LEEGO), USTHB, Algeria
Keywords: Dune sand, Hydraulic binders, Valorization, Pavements


The purpose of this work consists of valorizing a local sand dune which is found in abundance in the region of Djelfa (Algeria); for use in pavement foundations. For this investigation a method of formulation has been proposed, which based on the stabilization of this material using a mixture of two hydraulic binders. Various mixtures were subjected to classification tests, tests grain size distributions, tests of compaction with modified Proctor, shear strength, tests of bearing pressure (CBR unsoaked and soaked), compressive strength and tensile strength. The results obtained have shown that some mixtures are of high mechanical characteristics and could be then used in road foundations.



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How to Cite
Smaida, A., Haddadi , S., & Nechnech, A. (2021). Study of the mechanical behavior of dune sand treated by hydraulic binders: application in the road geotechnical field. Journal of Building Materials and Structures, 8(1), 32-44.
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