Probabilistic slope stability analysis: a case study of Ain Bouzian landslide within North-East Algeria

  • Samir Ghedjati Faculty of natural and life sciences and earth, Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel, Algeria, Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Environnement (LGCE), University of Med Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, Algeria
  • Mohammed Lamara Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Environnement (LGCE), University of Med Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel, Algeria
  • Youcef Houmadi Smart structures laboratory, department of civil engineering, university center of Ain Temouchent, Ain Temouchent, Algeria
Keywords: Factor of safety, failure probability, probabilistic method, Monte Carlo simulation, strength reduction method


The aim of this study is to carry out a probabilistic analysis of slope stability within homogenous soil profile of Ain Bouzian landslides located north-east Algeria. This region suffers of many instability problems, which is aggravated during the construction of East-West motorway. The random variables for the soil considered in this study are the Young modulus E, cohesion C and friction angle φ. Stochastic soil properties values are used to evaluate the reliability and to assess sensitivity of the system, for two hydrological conditions, with and without water table within the soil mass. The deterministic model is based on Strength Reduction Method (SRM) analysis using the finite difference code FLAC3D.


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How to Cite
Ghedjati, S., Lamara, M., & Houmadi , Y. (2022). Probabilistic slope stability analysis: a case study of Ain Bouzian landslide within North-East Algeria. Journal of Building Materials and Structures, 9(1), 110-121.
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