Intervention Methodology for the Rehabilitation of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures

  • Moulaï Abdellah Bouabdallah Department of Civil Engineering, National Polytechnic School of Oran, Algeria
Keywords: Degradations, Damage, Diagnosis, Intervention, Durability


The quantity of aging concrete infrastructure deteriorating rapidly is increasing, as are the costs of repairing these structures. The management of interventions on reinforced concrete structures is not always optimal. This is due to the absence of a comprehensive protocol capable of uniformly guiding engineers in their choices regarding the priority and types of work to be carried out on their structures. This lack of decision-making assistance results in interventions that are not always optimal in terms of costs and durability. It is therefore important to establish a diagnostic methodology in order to properly specify the origin of the damage. This will improve the interpretation of defect symptoms and therefore facilitate the subsequent choice of actions and materials required during the intervention on the structure.

This study presents a methodology developed with the aim of standardizing, rationalizing, and integrating the different stages required to achieve optimal and quality interventions into a management tool. Three activities are essential in order to systematize the approach to refurbishment or maintenance of concrete structures: the diagnosis of deterioration, the evaluation of the relevance of interventions, and the selection of appropriate methods and products for refurbishment.


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How to Cite
Bouabdallah, M. A. (2024). Intervention Methodology for the Rehabilitation of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures . Journal of Building Materials and Structures, 11(1), 20-26.
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