of Excellence for Economics and Management Research2025-01-06T19:59:40+00:00Abdelhadi Messaoudia.messaoudi@lagh-univ.dzOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research (JEEMR) International specialized Refereed scientific journal The Faculty of economics, Commercial and sciences management University of Laghouat Amar Tledji- Algeria JEEMR Journal of Excellence for Economic and Management Research (JEEMR) is a specialized international scientific journal issued by the Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences. the University of Laghouat, Algeria, Issued since 2017 . It is a scientific theoretical and intellectual addition to various subjects of economics and administrative sciences. It contributes to the dissemination of original and specialized scientific researches to all academics and university professors. In economic and other related sciences, with special attention to applied and analytical studies based on objectivity, scientific level, accuracy and degree of documentation.</p> the Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) model to study the impact of oil prices on economic growth in Algeria during the period 1990-20212025-01-06T19:59:40+00:00Omeyr CHELOUFI o.cheloufi@lagh-univ.dzAmel TOUER<p>This study aimed to determine the impact of monthly oil price fluctuations on the annual economic growth rates in Algeria during the period 1990-2021 using the (MIDAS) model. Among the most important findings of the study is that annual economic growth in Algeria is positively affected by the monthly changes in international oil prices. The study also found that MIDAS models have a great predictive ability, allowing researchers to utilize all available information for high-frequency variables, instead of using annual average values that lose a lot of information. These models also help avoid converting low-frequency variables to match high-frequency variables, reducing econometric issues in model diagnostics and ensuring greater accuracy in results.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Agricultural Innovation as a Response to the Challenges of the Modern Agricultural Sector in Arab Countries: The Experience of the United Arab Emirates2024-12-12T06:55:04+00:00zoulikha massasoudizoulikha.massasoudi@univ-tebessa.dzFatima Zahra<p>The aim of this study is to explore the challenges facing the Arab world and examine the technologies and methods of digital agricultural innovation applied to address them, by providing a descriptive and analytical framework of these difficulties in Arab countries and presenting the experience of the United Arab Emirates, which is a pioneer in implementing digital agricultural innovations. The importance of the study lies in considering digital agricultural innovation as an innovative solution to the current challenges facing this sector due to its contribution to improving productivity and achieving sustainability in Arab countries.</p> <p> The study concluded that there is a significant commitment to adopting technology and innovation in agriculture, although some Arab countries still rely on traditional farming. Achieving digital agricultural innovation requires adopting comprehensive strategies aimed at enhancing the agricultural sector. It is viewed as a strong response to the numerous challenges facing the sector, making it a suitable solution for Arab countries suffering from food shortages. The United Arab Emirates has achieved satisfactory results in agricultural innovation, positioning itself as a leader in this field.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) reality of Sharia supervision and auditing in the Islamic windows of traditional banks in Algeria 2024-12-12T07:07:54+00:00Sofiane Bennaiche sf.bennaiche@lagh-univ.dzMohamed Ferhi<p>This study aimed to understand the mechanisms of Sharia supervision and auditing in Islamic windows of conventional banks in Algeria. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted to examine the mechanisms of Sharia supervision and auditing.</p> <p>In conclusion, the Sharia Supervisory Board in the Housing Bank issues fatwas following the National Fatwa Authority for Islamic Financial Industry, which emanates from the Supreme Islamic Council for Fatwa. We also concluded that the importance of having a Sharia auditor in the bank is no less significant than having a Sharia Supervisory Board. Therefore, appointing a Sharia auditor alongside the Sharia Supervisory Board is necessary, while granting them full independence.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) study of the level of quality of services provided by Air Algérie after the Covid-19 crisis 2024-12-12T07:17:44+00:00ilhem Chili<p>This study aimed to highlight the importance of service quality in the service sector, and the theoretical aspect was applied to Air Algeria. The importance of the study stems from the importance of the subject itself, as the service is highlighted in its field of use and also determines the institution's field of competition and improves its performance in the market in which it operates. Through this, the problem was formulated as follows: What is the level of quality of services provided by Air Algeria after the Covid 19 crisis?.</p> <p>The study concluded that there is a somewhat high level of improving services and focusing on quality in the company under study. We also recommend the need to pay more attention to the quality of service, quality specifications, and accepting customer suggestions</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) impact of social media advertising on brand loyalty – a case study of "Condor" company2024-12-12T07:30:06+00:00nesrine namounnesrine.namoun@univ-guelma.dzwidad<p>This study aims to investigate the impact of social media advertising on brand loyalty sfor "Condor" brand, employing a descriptive and analytical methodology and formulating a model that explains the relationship between study variables. The study utilized random sampling to distribute questionnaires to a sample of 196 customers of the "Condor" brand. Subsequently, data analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted using multiple linear regression and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).</p> <p>The study concluded a statistically significant impact of advertising on social media on brand loyalty for "Condor". However, there were no differences found in the responses of study participants regarding study dimensions attributed to their personal variables namely gender, age, and educational level. Finally the study recommended that the company should develop and design advertisements on social media based on scientific principles and modern techniques to reach and attract consumers. Additionally, it suggested implementing comprehensive advertising campaigns that not only cover social media platforms but also include search advertising and other social networks to enhance the organization’s digital presence.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) impact of Non-Oil exports on economic growth under the trade openness policy in Algeria For the Period 1990-2022 using ARDL model2024-12-12T07:42:25+00:00hadia belghithadia.belghit@univ-tebessa.dzsamir<p>This paper aims to study the impact of non-oil exports on economic growth for the period 1990-2022, which witnessed Algeria moving towards liberalizing foreign trade, by measuring the impact of non-oil exports, the trade openness index, the exchange rate, and foreign direct investment as independent variables on Economic growth as a dependent variable, based on the autoregressive model of distributed time gaps ARDL.</p> <p>The results showed a positive relationship in both long and short term between economic growth and non-oil exports, the trade openness index, and foreign investment, and an inverse relationship in the two terms between the exchange rate and economic growth. In general, it became clear that promoting non-oil exports contributes greatly to raising economic growth rates.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of the quality of E-payment services in Algeria2024-12-14T07:22:17+00:00Rais Merrad<p>we study in this research an important topic, it is the impact of service quality's dimensions on e-payment service, and the relationship between them. to achieve this, we distributed a survey to a sample of users. the study revealed that all components of service quality values were at a moderate level.</p> <p>furthermore, in our study, we used simple regression analysis, identified that only three dimensions (reliability, assurance and empathy) significantly influenced in e-payment quality. conversely, the other dimensions (tangibility and responsiveness) showed no significant impact.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) styles preferences of generation Z2024-12-14T07:37:48+00:00seddik boudoudaboudouda.seddik@uni-gharadaia.dzslimane<p>This study attempts to identify the leadership styles preferred by Generation Z, the new entrants into the labor market in the commercial sector. It explores the historical development of leadership theories and generational sequences. On the practical side, the study relies on survey data distributed to 85 employees of the (Printemps) company, which operates in the field of multi-trade. The data was processed using the binary logistic regression technique, with the use of the open-source software (R Programming).</p> <p>The study concluded that transactional leadership is not a preferred style among Generation Z, unlike transformational leadership, which was more significant, followed by servant leadership to a lesser degree. Finally, it recommends that business organizations adopt different leadership styles that consider generational differences in the workplace, taking into account the needs and aspirations of each generation.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) impact of the exchange rate and money supply on the promotion of non-hydrocarbon exports in Algeria during the period (1990-2022)2024-12-14T07:38:28+00:00Abdelhamid bouzerkoulaa.bouzerkoula@lagh-univ.dzLarbi djedil.djedi@lagh-univ.dzTahar<p> This study aimed to measure the impact of monetary policy tools represented by the exchange rate and the money supply in its broad sense in promoting non-hydrocarbon exports in Algeria during the period 1990-2022, based on the FARDL model. The study concluded that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between the study variables; as the increase in the money supply leads to an increase in non-hydrocarbon exports, while there is a negative impact of the exchange rate in promoting non-hydrocarbon exports.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of Traditional Industry and Crafts to Local Development Case Study of the Traditional Chamber of Industry and Crafts of the State of Tiaret in 2012/20222024-12-14T07:40:15+00:00hadjer nouwara gherbalihadjernouwara.gherbali@univ-tiaret.dzYacine Benelhadj djelloul<p>The Algerian State, like other developing countries, seeks to achieve local development by pursuing a number of measures and adopting various strategies, including the development of various sectors. In the same context, the State has directed its attention to the traditional industry and crafts sector in promoting economic activity and the establishment of enterprises, in view of the high demand for it because of its simplicity and ability to create jobs.</p> <p>Through this study, we aim to determine the extent to which the traditional industry and crafts sector has contributed to local development by highlighting the experience of the Tiaret State Chamber of Traditional Industry and Crafts. In this study, we have concluded that the traditional industry and crafts sector is important as a reliable sector in improving the living, economic and social conditions of the local population. This is what the Tiaret State Chamber of Traditional Industry and Crafts aspires to.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of Technical Reserves in Automobile Insurance Using Deterministic and Stochastic Methods2024-12-14T07:40:52+00:00Kamilia BELLAL K_bellal@esc-alger.dzBillel BENILLES<p>Insurance companies bear the responsibility of maintaining their financial stability on an ongoing basis. One of the most significant challenges they face in this regard is the inaccuracy of technical reserve estimates for outstanding claims. For this reason, numerous research studies have focused on developing methods to improve the accuracy of these estimates. In this paper, we will present and apply several methods for calculating technical reserve provisions, whether deterministic or stochastic, such as the chain ladder method, the Mack method, the bootstrap method, and generalized linear models (GLMs). These statistical and analytical methods will be applied to a dataset of bodily injury claims in the civil liability arising from automobile accidents, covering the period from 2012 to 2022, and issued by one of the leading insurance companies in the Algerian market. Each method will be described and implemented to provide more accurate reserve estimates. Finally, we will compare the results obtained from each of these methods.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE REWARD PROGRAMS ON THEIR LOYALTY UNDER THE INTERNAL MARKETING APPROACH IN ALGERIAN AIRLINES2024-12-14T07:41:24+00:00Meriam BENBELKACEM m.benbelkacem@hec.dzOuardia LAOUDJ<p>The purpose of this article is to evaluate the influence of current reward programs on employee loyalty within an Algerian airline Tassili Airlines as well as to identify levers for improvement. Based on a literature review, qualitative analysis, and quantitative survey of Tassili Airlines commercial aircrew, we tested the hypothesis that reward diversity and the presence of career opportunities are negatively correlated with turnover. The results of our statistical analyses confirm this hypothesis, revealing that employees with personalized reward programs and a defined career path are significantly less likely to leave the company.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Role of Microinsurance in Covering Micro Enterprises’ Pure Risks: Case Study of ADIE during 2019–20232024-12-14T07:44:03+00:00Mohamed Rafik Antar BOUDRAA rafik.boudraa@univ-setif.dzHoussem KRACHE<p>The aim of this study is to know how microinsurance contributes in covering micro enterprises’ pure risks. After the presentation of the micro enterprise and the microinsurance, we have studied the case of one of the French associations that cover micro enterprises’ pure risks, which is represented by the ADIE association.</p> <p>Through this study, it has been concluded that microinsurance contributes effectively in covering micro enterprises’ pure risks by the microinsurance products provided often by the microfinance institutions, designed differently with reasonable premiums and few conditions comparing to the traditional insurance products which micro entrepreneurs cannot take.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Oil and Gas Operations with GIS: Insights from the Sonatrach SOD Project2024-12-14T07:43:27+00:00Rachid Yassine AKKOUCHE r_akkouche@esc-alger.dzKamel Boussafi<p><em>This study examines the implementation and impact of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the oil and gas industry, focusing on the Smart Oil Data (SOD) project at Sonatrach, Algeria's national Oil and Gas company. As the energy sector undergoes rapid digital transformation, GIS has emerged as a tool for optimizing operations, enhancing decision-making, and addressing environmental concerns. The research employs a case study approach to analyze Sonatrach's experience with SOD, an integrated GIS solution built on ESRI's platform. The study investigates how GIS technologies are applied across the upstream, midstream, and downstream segments, and in Health, Safety, and Environment management. It also explores the challenges of implementing such a system, including data standardization, organizational change management, and integrating innovation and renewable energy initiatives. Findings show that the SOD project significantly improved Sonatrach's operational efficiency, data management, and strategic planning. However, the implementation underscored the need for robust change management strategies and continuous innovation.</em></p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) R.S.E: A global performance tool and a lever of competitiveness of companies, Case of ATM Mobilis2024-12-14T07:42:50+00:00Tahar HAMAZ tahar.hamaz@ummto.dzYoucef KHENNICHE<p>Changes in the economic context have forced companies, when carrying out their activities, to consider their duties towards society. The objective of our study is to highlight the consequences of social involvement on the results and competitiveness of companies. Thus, an in-depth study was carried out within the telephone operator ATM Mobilis to highlight its social and societal commitment. The results obtained demonstrated that the incorporation of CSR into the company's strategic approach contributed to its overall performance.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)