Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons <p>Horizons of Science and Knowledge magazine focuses on how to obtain research results through human studies and works to encourage research into them. Only enduring, interdisciplinary humanities studies that can be generalized across different fields achieve results. The journal welcomes research papers related to areas of the humanities that improve the quality of research or that can be used to advance the field. The journal's articles explore changes in research that encourage the humanities to promote best practices within society. The journal provides an outlet for high-quality, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. Through this, the journal ensures that these studies reach a global audience of scientists and researchers who recognize the importance of research in this field as engines that base their decisions on new ideas and results in this field. The magazine was created under the auspices of the University of Laghouat, affiliated with the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. The journal publishes its content in the form of theoretical articles and multiple studies that use different methods, some practice-oriented, some teaching-oriented, and case studies of current trends in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on topics in the humanities and appeals to a wide range of readers. The editors welcome topic suggestions for special issues. Journal articles should clarify contextual differences and highlight lessons learned for the wider audience. In short, it is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of humanities dedicated to advancing research and theoretical and practical knowledge in several fields. ..<br>jskp is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, open to all authors, regardless of their methodology and/or theoretical background. JSKP is published twice a year in June and December. Manuscripts are published mainly in Arabic, English or French. The aim of establishing this journal is to provide a platform for researchers to publish their original research, review articles, and other scientific works related to a specific field or topic. The journal aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of science and knowledge by publishing high-quality research results and promoting academic discourse and collaboration. The journal is likely to interest scholars internationally because it provides a forum for academics from different regions and backgrounds to exchange ideas and share their ideas and research findings. By publishing in this journal, researchers can reach a global audience and interact with other researchers who may have different viewpoints and approaches. . This can lead to new insights and collaborations that benefit the field and advance academic scholarship. In addition, the journal may attract contributions from researchers interested in the specific topic or area of research it covers, further contributing to its international appeal. The rationale for this journal is to provide a platform for researchers to publish and review their original research. Articles and other scientific works related to a specific field or topic.</p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (Dr. Hafsi Abbas) (dr. Ben Arafa Abdel Majid) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 La succession et ses types dans le Coran ( Succession and its types in the Quran) <p>The mission of succession marks the beginning of human existence on earth, an announcement made by the Most High before His angels. As God's vice-regent on earth, man has been invested with specific qualities necessary to accomplish this mission. At the heart of this function lies knowledge, knowledge that the Creator has distinguished by teaching it to man, thus differentiating him from other creatures. By His will, Allah has decreed that man be His representative on earth, thus placing him above all other creatures. This was the beginning of divine regard for man, placing him as the central pivot of future events on earth. Among these major events, the selection of prophets occupies a prominent place, as they are intended to serve as a link between Allah and humanity as vice-regents. Thus, the mission of succession confers on man an eminent position and an important responsibility in the divine order.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> HASSAN EL HOUARI Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ithaf al-Bariyah due to what is in Surat al-Hujurat of the general principles and purposes <p>In this research, I collected a number of legal principles and beneficial rules that were included in Surat Al-Hujurat, through a fundamental study of this great surah, represented in the fundamental syntax of most of the verses of this surah, and deducing a number of legal rulings from them by means of the fundamental rules.</p> <p>This article also included a mention of the most prominent general purposes of Islamic legislation contained in Surat al-Hujurat, with mention of some examples and effects that illustrate and demonstrate this.</p> <p>The research concluded the extent of the importance of Surat al-Hujurat in consolidating values and morals, and reforming morals in people's dealings, as this surah contained legal purposes and holistic principles that contribute to the advancement in the ranks of human perfection, and the jurist takes it as a guide in dealing with the various legal issues that the Islamic community suffers from.</p> mohamed boukra Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Arabic and Linguistic Authority: Studies in Programming <p>This article begins with Madkour saying that ancient linguists "could not shake off the constraints of the past, and did not dare record anything of the language of the 20th century. They could not have done it, and the question requires greater authority and a stronger linguistic argument." This article analyzes his dictum "the greatest authority and the strongest linguistic argument", assuming that linguists did not primarily aim to dominate the language, especially since their effort was limited to presenting a descriptive study of the Arabic and to extract normative rules from it.</p> Aboubacar Ahmed Ibrahim Boubacar Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Alphabets of Arabic Letters between Translation Arabization and Science Fiction <p>This study focuses on the importance of developing the Arabic scientific language to keep pace with technological progress through the reliance on the creative power of science fiction in creating new innovations supported by translation and Arabization. In addition, patents and naming in Arabic are important steps for the growth of Arabic language in the age of technology. Despite the lack of innovations in the Arab world and the great reliance on Western technology, investing in science fiction and imagining sophisticated innovations along with supporting scientific research can help in providing the necessary resources to advance the growth of Arabic language. Thus, science fiction plays a significant role in the development of the scientific Arabic language, insofar as the genre is not limited to imagining travel through the time machine, but rather it is a medium to compete with time by inventing what can be imagined in the future in the present, far from speculation and myths. Therefore, the link between science fiction and Arabic scientific language must be treated—not as a fictional station, but rather, as a key in promoting the scientific Arabic language and its growth, insofar as it is the wing that will pursue progress in the global space. In this paper, I aim to stimulate scholarly discussions about promoting Arabic language as a vital means for inventing cutting-edge innovations through relying on science fiction along with the role of translation and the Arabization thereof.</p> Alhashmi Rawad Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Time in the modern novel between imagination and argumentation: Ahmed Saadawi's novel "Frankenstein in Baghdad" as an example <p>This scientific contribution aims to explore the concept of time and its manifestations in narratives in general, and in what has been described as the "thesis novel" specifically. It also examines the argumentative aims of the various narrative techniques on which time is based in the modern novel. Time is seen as a principal structure and an important element in the narrative process. It is the vessel that contains the lives lived by the characters in the work of fiction. The intersections of creative narrative events move within it. With its functional diversity, the ways in which it is approached vary, as do the points of view regarding it. This is the particular rhythm with which each novel organizes itself individually.</p> <p>Overall; In order to understand the importance of time firstly, then its structural elements and, thirdly, the creator's desired objectives in employing it. We have chosen to work on a modern novelistic model. It is based above all on the miraculous and the strange. The novel in question is "Frankenstein in Baghdad" by Iraqi writer Ahmed Saadawi. It's a novel that manages to break the monotony of the traditional narrative, creating different temporal contexts in front of the reader that go beyond the monotony of the classic Arab narrative.</p> amal Bentahar Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Activating the contemporary religious and civilizational dialogue from the theoretical basis to the application (A study in the role of religious and academic institutions and the media) <p>The topic of dialogue with followers of religions is one of the most important topics that academic studies address at the present time in various scientific fields, due to its importance in the stability of countries and homelands.</p> <p>The goal remains to search for a common space between followers of different religions, civilizations and cultures for a peaceful coexistence away from any material or moral violence. Hence the need to search for ways to return humanity to its humanity, open spaces for civilized dialogue and communication, and clarify the nature of the central roles that must be played by the various bodies with an official and civil dimension active in social influence to support human beings. Participation in an attempt to spread the philosophy of dialogue, perhaps in the near future the world, its countries, cultural institutions and individuals will adopt a culture of peace within the borders of humanity</p> Hanan Khayati Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Truth and Art from Nietzsche's perspective <p>This article aims to analyze Nietzsche's vision of the relationship between Truth and Art by focusing on how they are connected. Starting by questioning traditional perceptions of "truth", explaining its nihilistic traits and its antagonism to life, and critiquing the Platonic conception that diminishes the importance of art on the grounds of its connection with the sensible. Culminating in highlighting the aesthetic characteristic of the world from the perspective of an interpretative and vital space. Where the will to power is the source of all "meaning and value." Ending with exploring the fundamental role of tragic art in affirming life as it appears. An artwork is nothing but the mirror in which life itself is seen, and what is seen is that illusion and falsification are perspectival necessities for living beings preoccupied with preserving their survival, and that truths are nothing but beneficial illusions<strong>.</strong></p> noureddine chebbi Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Controls of scientific miracles in the Holy Quran <p>Scientific miracles is that science that examines the miracles of the Holy Qur'an as well as the Sunnah of the Prophet purified and did not appear those miracles only recently in the era of science and modern technologies, God blessed and Almighty revealed the Qur'an to be a valid book for every time and place, and deposited God in it of the brilliant scientific facts what human beings are unable to come up with like him or simulate it was necessary for us to highlight those aspects and present them to people, the Qur'an has a wonderful and concise style in the presentation of the scientific truth, clearly and simply In brief words, we find many scientific facts, and a miracle, and these facts were not known to anyone at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an in the era of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him .</p> <p>But with scientific developments, scientists and researchers have been able to discover and show some of these miracles, and there must be controls for this science to stay away from errors, as happens from some in their writings in this field, which we find their owners exaggerating and moving away from the meaning of the verses in order to obtain a scientific, rhetorical or numerical miracle according to what they see In this research we highlight the concept of scientific miracles in the Qur'an and how to deal with science Miracles and what are the rules and controls that the researcher should observe and how to trust a research in scientific miracles using the inductive approach as well as the descriptive analytical approach to highlight those aspects required</p> Abdul Salam Hamood Ghaleb Al-Anesi Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Le métier du professeur de musique <p>Music, taught in schools, is an important subject which contributes to the development of students and their integration into society. The teacher must therefore be aware of the programs for this subject, its general framework and its content, while becoming aware of the identity of the musician who could bring together the specificities of the teacher and those of the musician and distinguish between the function of learning and that of listening and enjoyment to achieve the objectives of teaching musical subject matter to a specific category of society such as children and students. The objectives of music education lie essentially in the awakening of musical sense in children, the development of musical skills and abilities in students, and the guarantee of continuous communication between the receiver and the musical subject. inside and outside the framework of school education, especially since this subject has a particular impact on students.</p> <p>We therefore carried out this research to clarify the methods and mechanisms of the discourse that must be established between the musician and the receiver</p> Amal Rekik Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluating the economic focus between the existing and the desired, a study in Mauritanian law. <p>The evaluation process for economic concentration projects or operations fluctuates between the risks posed to the competitive structure in the market, and the economic, technological and social benefits that will compensate for the disruption to the competitive game. It is a budget that requires precise and specific standards. This budget also requires an entity responsible for the evaluation, which has independence and impartiality, and is separate from the entity that takes the decision to focus, because of the governance of the entire evaluation process.The evaluation of economic concentration comes after ensuring that the required conditions in the processes of economic concentration and its peripheries are available. Then the evaluation process takes place leading to a decision regarding this concentration. As long as these conditions do not exist in their entirety, it is not possible to talk about the existence of economic concentration at all, because the evaluation is for this concentration whose conditions are met</p> Muhammad Al-Amin Ahmed Copyright (c) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Ibn Surayj’s Ijma’a’ through his book “The Deposits for the Texts of the Shari’a” (collectively) <p>This study aims to demonstrate the interest of Muslim theologians in the history of Ijma (consensus), we presented this study by addressing the importance of this research and its characteristics, the concept of Ijma and its binding force, the biography of the diligent Imam Ibn Sarij Al-shafi’i (D. 306 h), and its status between the jurists of Islamic jurisprudence schools in general, and Shafi’i’s school in particular, the importance of his book « Al-wadaa'ee' limanṣūṣ Al-sharaa'ih», followed by the 98 related Ijma in his book after induction, and theirs classification in accordance with the categories of Islamic jurisprudence, in order to find out the positions of Ijma, that helps the students to conceive the issue and avoid objecting the one that has been already settled through Ijma. The scholars consider that knowing the positions of Ijma is one of Ijtihad’s (reasoning effort) requirements.</p> Anis rehoune Copyright (c) Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:51:25 +0000