The Epistemological Dimension in the Composition of the Arab Mind For the Doctor: Mohamed Abid Al-Jabri

  • ben Yahya Saddam Hocine University of Laghouat
Keywords: The Epistemological Dimension, The Formation of the Arab Mind, Mohamed Abid Al-Jabri


Critique of the Arab mind the great Arab thinker of the late Dr. Mohammed Abed al-Jabri mothers intellectual projects in the field of heritage studies during the twentieth century, the project is considered. And that the new launch and foreseeable talk given by jabri in his epistemology of the principle that: "Critique of the Arab Mind is an essential part and the initial of each project of the Renaissance" and can not be achieved this by jabri only carry cash a trip inside the corridors of the Arab culture, drawing on "methods of new and explained and Toziviha analysis used a condition commonly used rationally enables us to study Arabic and Islamic culture, structure and follow the formation of the Arab mind in the historic track for epistemology study given to us by Dr. Mohammed Abed al-Jabri in his book "the composition of the Arab mind" path


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