Social factors with a family dimension (economic aspect - cultural level) and their relationship to sports intolerance among students of the Institute of Sciences and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities
Al-Kandari (1955) confirmed that the child is born in a family that is considered the first group to learn his / her language. Habits and traditions and values and through this family and the mother's embrace begins the process of social upbringing, the child is related to his mother and reassuring to her neighbors and then the range of life Vtmdt attached to his father and his brothers and his family.
The role of education for boys does not end at a certain age, but it continues, regardless of the children, because they are in constant need of guidance, counseling and guidance, and they are indispensable to the experiences and experiences of the elderly.
Socialization in sport is generally aimed at developing individual social relations with others in the team or with other teams through social interaction processes, and also aims at providing the individual with values, attitudes and standards of correct mathematical behavior.
The sports riot is a sad thing that has caught up with sport competitions, especially in recent times. Sports intolerance is one of the most important reasons for it, and it is behind many unfortunate riots, such as unacceptable excesses and behavior that society rejects.
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