The role of the Palestinian sports press in tackling corruption in the sports community From the point of view of workers in the sports field

  • Aber Mohmed djamel alfelet University of Gaza
  • mohammed Hossin Abuowdeh University of Gaza
Keywords: sports journalism, sports corruption, Palestinian


The Role of Palestinian Sports Press in Tackling Corruption in the Sports Community from the  Viewpoint of Journalists Working in the Sports Field.The study aimed to identify the attitudes of Palestinian sports journalists towards the challenges facing sports journalism and to identify the corruption in the sports community.The study used the descriptive survey method by conducting a study on a random sample of 24 sports journalists who practice sports journalism in the period between January 20 to April 20 2019 in Palestine.The researchers used the electronic questionnaire tool to collect data and information to reach correct and honest results.The study reached several results, the most important of which is that following up sports news through the Internet was 78.4%, while TV was 13%, whereas radio and newspapers were 4.3%, which indicates that the public relies on the Internet in following-up the sports news.The study also reveals the importance of the role that Palestinian sports press play in fighting corruption in the sports community which was 56.5%, but the Palestinian sports press sought to find solutions to tackle corruption was low with an average of 14.5%, varying between responses to the questionnaire (very high, high, and medium), and this indicates that there is a weakness from the Palestinian sports press to solve the problem of corruption in the Palestinian sports community.The study recommended that sports media and sports newspapers should be given enough space to publish and write about Palestinian sports news more broadly, especially that talks about what is going on in institutions, and sports unions. The study also recommended designing specialized sports newspapers that discuss and present issues of sports affairs that meet the needs of the public, following it up with specialists and decision makers putting a legal text to hold accountable all perpetrators of sports corruption in Palestine.


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