Stress and its relationship to self-esteem in people with diabetes Type II (ages 40-55) -Field study in the municipality of Djelfa

  • Abdelhadi Benlaib University of Laghouat
Keywords: stress, self-esteem, diabetes type 2


The study aimed to reveal the relationship between stress and self-esteem in a group of society who are people with type 2 diabetes between the ages of 40 and 55.

The results have been: a relationship between the preparation and preparation of pressure and behavior followed by it on the one hand and self-esteem on the other, and the lack of a relationship between the satisfaction of the psychological needs of the individual of stress and self-esteem in people with type 2 diabetes


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How to Cite
Benlaib, A. (2020). Stress and its relationship to self-esteem in people with diabetes Type II (ages 40-55) -Field study in the municipality of Djelfa. ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 4(2), 65-82.