Adapted physical activity and its role in reducing aggressive behavior towards others for mentally handicapped children who are able to learn
This study is conducted to present how important is adapted sports physical activity in reducing aggressive behavior of mentally handicapped children, who are able to learn, towards others. From the point of view of educators and teachers at the Educational Medical Center for Mentally Retarded people in question. General aggressive behavior is directed at educators, their number is (21). As for the mentally handicapped children who are able to learn, their number is (111) of them severely (16) children and medium (76) children, and to a small degree (19) children. The results of the study show that adapted physical activity reduces aggressive behavior towards others, for mentally handicapped children who are able to learn. According to the educators point of view, the researcher suggested that working on the necessity of having an adapted sports specialist in educational medical centers, and integrating the class of adapted physical activity within the general goals of special education, might be a helpful.
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