The role of a professor of physical and sports education in discovering and directing young talents in volleyball (Field study of some middle school of dar chioukh province ).

  • Said Benrim University of Djelfa
  • Lakhdar Benkaida University of Djelfa
  • ABDelhafid Mahdjoub University of Djelfa
Keywords: discovery, mentoring, talent, talent category, volleyball.


 This study aimed to identify the role of a professor of physical education and sports in uncovering talented people and directing them to volleyball clubs in the intermediate stage, where the study was conducted on middle school students in the municipality of Dar chioukh , the state of Djelfa.As for the sample, it consisted of 10 teachers and 100 students, and the researcher used the descriptive survey approach, and the questionnaire was used for the sample of teachers and students It consists of three topics, each topic contains a group of questions. As for the statistical methods, we used the law of percentages to analyze the results in all questions after calculating the frequencies of each of them. The results of the study were: Physical education and sports teachers do not direct the talented students in a complementary way


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How to Cite
Benrim, S., Benkaida, L., & Mahdjoub, A. (2021). The role of a professor of physical and sports education in discovering and directing young talents in volleyball (Field study of some middle school of dar chioukh province ). ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 5(1), 342-360.