Integrating the Traditional Qur’anic Schools System into the Contemporary Western Educational System: (A comparative study on the reforming attempts in the traditional Qur’anic schools in Nigeria)
This research aims at analyzing the challenges facing the contemporary traditional Qur'anic schools in Nigeria, in addition to comparing between the reforming attempts in these schools, the main objectives of their establishment and the challenges directed to them respectively. The descriptive, analytical and the critical methodology have been applied in compiling this paper. The researchers have found out that, the Arabic and Islamic education generally together with the traditional Qur'anic schools particularly; had faced many challenges in Nigeria after the colonials took over the northern states in 1903, an incidence which led the Muslims to establish modern Qur'anic schools with the attention of reducing the problems and challenges facing the traditional ones. Finally, the researchers have recommended organizing and establishing a fund for zakat, donations and endowments, which will be concerned with supervising the Qur'anic schools, and taking their financial responsibilities in addition to organizing educational courses for students
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