Behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder who are enrolled in special education centers in the capital governorate, Amman

  • Darren Yahya Abu Harb Excess Correction Center for Special Education
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, behavioral problems


The study aimed to identify the most common behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder who are enrolled in special education centers in the capital Amman governorate in the light of the gender variable and the child's age variable.

  The results revealed that children with autism spectrum disorder have behavioral problems in all dimensions, and the most common behavioral problems were the problem of stereotyped behavior, and the lowest degree was for self-care behavior and depression, and the results of the study indicated that there are statistically significant differences due to the gender variable in favor of males. The study also showed that there are statistically significant differences due to the variable age of the child.


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How to Cite
Yahya Abu Harb , D. (2023). Behavioral problems among children with autism spectrum disorder who are enrolled in special education centers in the capital governorate, Amman . ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 6(2), 37-62.