The philosophy of religion of ReneDescartes
For Descartes, The perfectness of the philosophy of religion seems in God and his relation with the visual existence which consider in the innate divine knowledge, religion understanding, yet philosophy of religion based on God existence and power. So there is no ability to separate between the essence and the existence, also between God and his creature, and this is believable in its essence rather than its propos. The Cartesian philosophy of religion lies in the divine relation that is innate in human bieng .This later can be expresses by the soul in a supreme reflections through ethics. All of this is axiomatic for Descartes because the divine existence is known, fixes, and reasoned. This is the results that Descartes connected in the priorities of God existence‘s evidences. Here, the philosophy of religion identied between God and the world and human bieng to proof God domination over existence by force is Indeed existence.
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