A rehabilitation programme using technical exercises (yoga) has affected the treatment of some soft tissue injuries to the shoulder belt joint of injured handball players
The research dealt with a brief description of the effect of the rehabilitation program using technical yoga exercises in the treatment of some soft tissue injuries to the shoulder girdle joint, the causes of their occurrence, the importance of their treatment, and the reduction of complications that result from them. As for the research problem, it lies in (soft tissue injuries) and the lack of libraries in the absence of specialized rehabilitation programs that depend on scientific foundations in the rehabilitation of soft tissues in the shoulder joint, as the traditional programs depended on the experience of the treating physician and from a medical point of view only, in addition to the length of time Rehabilitation for this injury, which leads to the patients not returning to their normal lives in a short period of time, ie the length of the treatment period. The study aimed to prepare a rehabilitation program using technical yoga exercises to treat some soft tissue injuries. (Muscles, capsule, ligaments) in the shoulder joint for handball players. Identifying the differences between the three measurements (tri, middle, and dimensional) for the rehabilitation and treatment of some soft tissue injuries in the shoulder joint in tests, identifying the differences for the rehabilitation and treatment of types of injuries in the shoulder joint in the tests underway The study between the three measurements (tribal - median - dimensional) and in favor of any measurement. The researcher assumed that there are differences between the three measurements (pre, middle, and post) for the rehabilitation and treatment of some soft tissue injuries in the shoulder joint in the tests under study. The shoulder, numbering (8) injured, as for the second chapter, the research included the anatomy of the shoulder joint area, bony, muscular and nervous, as well as injuries in terms of their meaning, mechanics of their occurrence and sudden changes to them. A description of the research sample, the method of selecting it, the method of its diagnosis, and the means of data collection, which included the exploratory experiment, physical tests, and questionnaire forms. Conducting tribal, medial and posterior tests on it, as for the fourth chapter: Presentation, analysis and discussion this chapter contains the presentation of the results and the statistical treatment and tabulation in a group in the tables and illustrative graphs, and then analyzed and discussed in a scientific manner supported by scientific sources. As for the fifth chapter: Conclusions and recommendations in light of the discussion of the results reached by the researcher came out with conclusions, the most important of which is the appropriateness of the rehabilitation program using technical yoga exercises for all types of injuries under consideration well. The research ended with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to emphasize the use of rehabilitation exercises (yoga) .In physical therapy centers and coordinating with the Iraqi Federation of Sports Medicine to publish those rehabilitation exercises used and deliver them to sports federations and clubs to prevent shoulder girdle injuries.
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