The effect of qualitative exercises in the development of some biokinetic variables and the skills of serving and receiving tennis for players

  • Ali Adnan Marza University of Kufa
Keywords: Qualitative exercises, biokinetic variables, the skill of serving in tennis, The skill of receiving tennis


The basic skills in tennis are the backbone of this game, and they need a long time to acquire and an education based on scientific and analytical foundations for all the tracks and angles that contribute to performance and adopted by biokinematics, especially if we take into account the speed of the ball and the small area of ​​its court, and the importance of research lies in preparing exercises from Before researchers, which are based on scientific foundations through biomechanical indicators, researchers expect that they will be useful in learning aspects of the skills of sending and receiving tennis. As for the research problem, through the researchers’ experience, their knowledge and their watching of tennis matches, and because one of them is the coach of the University of Kufa team and an international referee, they noticed that most of those in charge of the process and training They do not focus their attention and focus on qualitative exercises through which it is possible to win the transmission and be able to respond to the strong transmission. These skills will certainly be used according to biokinetic aspects. The aim of the research is to prepare qualitative exercises in the development of some biokinetic variables and the skills of transmitting and receiving tennis for players. Recognizing the effect of qualitative exercises in developing some biokinetic variables and the tennis sending and receiving skills for players. Research Methodology: The researchers chose the experimental method in the manner of two equal groups with pre and post tests for its suitability to the nature and problem of the research. The research community, the players of the Najaf Governorate tennis team, the researchers conducted an exploratory experiment to identify all the pros and cons, the time and the suitability of the tests to the sample. The researchers reached the following most important conclusions


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How to Cite
Adnan Marza , A. (2023). The effect of qualitative exercises in the development of some biokinetic variables and the skills of serving and receiving tennis for players. ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches, 6(2), 181 -200.