The effect of the assignment method in teaching and teaching physiology to third-stage students / colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences
Research gains great importance through understanding and applying teaching methods, which are one of the important aspects that have a positive and comprehensive impact on preparation and upbringing on new, perspective scientific foundations. Scientific development has added many modern teaching and educational methods that the teacher and teacher can benefit from in preparing areas of expertise for learners until They are prepared with a high degree of efficiency, and the interaction of the teacher and the learner in applying the curriculum has become one of the most important conditions for the success of the teaching process through organizing the positive relationship between them. The problem of the research lies in the fact that most of the methods used by teachers of physiology are methods that make the student only a listener without having an effective role in the learning process, which is reflected in his cognitive and personal behavior. The research aims to identify the effect of the assignment method in teaching and teaching the subject of physiology to third-stage students - colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences. The researcher used the method. Experimental design of two equal groups, experimental and control, with a post-test to suit the nature of the problem to be solved, and it included a sample. The research was conducted on students of the third stage / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kufa, their number is (60) students for each group (30 students). The educational and teaching curriculum took (8) weeks and (2) hours per week, and after that the data obtained by the researchers was processed. Using special and appropriate statistical methods and through the results, the researchers reached the following conclusions: -The method of the preparer (assignments) has a positive impact in teaching and teaching the subject of physiology to students in the third stage in colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences.
The assignment method is superior to the traditional method used by the physiology teacher. Through the above, the research recommended the following:
- Emphasizing the method of appointments in teaching and teaching physiology to third-year students - colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences.
- Conducting other studies and research using the assignment method on subjects other than physiology and on other stages as well.
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١٠- يحيى مصطفى عليان : مناهج وأساليب البحث العلمي ط ا عمان, دار صفا للنشر والتوزيع,۲۰۰۰.
Electromyostimulation training effects on neural drive and muscle architecture. Med Sci Sports Exerc .
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