The effect of competitive exercises on psychological resilience, some biochemical variables, and achievement of 400-meter hurdles runners for young men
Competitive exercises are important exercises for refining the player’s personality and entering into a real competitive environment. Hence the importance of research lies in using competitive exercises to raise the functional level of the body’s systems, reduce psychological tension, and increase the young player’s self-confidence by entering an atmosphere similar to the playing field. The research study aimed to prepare Competitive exercises to increase the functional level and psychological resilience of the 400-meter hurdles players, as well as to identify the effect of these exercises on these variables investigated and the level of achievement of the research sample. The researchers used the experimental method with two equal groups, the control and the experimental. The research sample was represented by the players of the Army and Al-Hashd Clubs for the 400-meter hurdles race, who numbered six. Players were divided into two equal groups of three players for each group. Competitive exercises (similar to a race) were carried out at a rate of three training units per week, i.e. 24 training units. The researchers concluded that competitive exercises have a clear effect on the level of psychological resilience of the player, as well as on the level of the hormones serotonin and cortisol, and this helps... Reducing the race time compared to the pre-tests for the experimental research sample. In light of this, the researchers recommend the need to involve the player in competitive competitions with a colleague or in friendly tournaments between teams to overcome cases of anxiety and fear of the fight and increase the toughness of the players
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