The effect of the SWOM strategy according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal
The goal of the research is the effect of the SWOM strategy according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal, while the problem of the research lies in light of what the researcher observed as a weakness in learning physical and motor abilities in addition to not taking into consideration the specialization of each playing position and how to prepare situations. Tactical behavior. As for the research hypotheses, there are significant differences in the level of performance between the two research groups and for the benefit of the players who learn the strategy (Swom) in accordance with the principles of tactical behavior. The researcher used the experimental approach, and the research sample represented the Kufa club’s youth futsal players, who numbered in number. (32) They were divided into two experimental and control groups. Means and tools were used to collect information, and then the researcher used statistical methods, including (spss). The researcher concluded that the (Swom) strategy, according to the principles of behavior, had a positive effect on the physical and motor abilities under research. The most important recommendations were to emphasize the use of the strategy. (Swom) according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal.
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