ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches 2023-12-31T17:47:45+00:00 Mustafa Medjadi Open Journal Systems <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ATTAKAMUL - مجلة أبحاث العلوم الاجتماعية والرياضية هي مجلة دولية مزدوجة التعمية تتم مراجعتها من قبل الأقران ، نصف سنوية ومجانية ، مفتوحة الوصول ينشرها&nbsp; - جامعة عمار تلجي - الأغواط ، الجزائر. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">تركز المجلة على الموضوعات التالية: علوم الرياضة وعلم النفس وعلم الاجتماع. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">يوفر منصة أكاديمية للمهنيين والباحثين للمساهمة في العمل المبتكر في هذا المجال. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">تحتوي المجلة على مقالات أصلية وكاملة تعكس أحدث الأبحاث والتطورات في الجوانب العملية الرياضية والمجتمع والسلوك البشري. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">يتم نشر المجلة في كل من النسخ المطبوعة وعلى الإنترنت. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">الإصدار عبر الإنترنت هو الوصول المجاني والتنزيل. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">نرحب بجميع الصحف في جميع أنحاء العالم في مجلتنا الدولية.</span></span></p> The degree of practicing administrative empowerment And its relationship to job satisfaction in Yemeni governmental Community colleges 2023-12-31T17:47:21+00:00 Yahya Saleh Al-Faqih Sabah <p>The study aimed to identify the reality of administrative empowerment in Yemeni government community colleges and its relationship to the level of job satisfaction among its employees. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach based on correlational statistical analysis methods for the data of the measured variables that are intended to explore the relationship between them. By applying a questionnaire tool consisting of two axes, the first to measure administrative empowerment, and the second to measure job satisfaction, on a random sample of (138) employees.</p> 2023-12-31T16:59:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Issue Of Heritage And Renewal In Contemporary Thought: Hassan Hanafi Is An Example 2023-12-31T17:47:24+00:00 said karoui <p>This research aims to study the issue of heritage and renewal, which is a field of research in which many Arab thinkers have delved into contemporary and modern Arab thought. Hassan Hanafi (1935 AD - 2021 AD) is considered one of those thinkers who sought to rationalize and diagnose heritage, by selecting characteristics that fundamentally contribute to ensuring intellectual and political renaissance, and cultural and ideological progress. Then, an Arab person emerges who churns between the past and the present, freed from false illusions, and a modern social environment is established.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It has become necessary to re-read the Arab-Islamic heritage, as the heritage and renewal project, according to Hassan Hanafi, is based on three structural positions: The position on ancient heritage, the position on Western heritage, and the theory of interpreting reality.</p> 2023-12-31T17:10:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The effect of the assignment method in teaching and teaching physiology to third-stage students / colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences 2023-12-31T17:47:28+00:00 Taybat najah muhamad <p>Research gains great importance through understanding and applying teaching methods, which are one of the important aspects that have a positive and comprehensive impact on preparation and upbringing on new, perspective scientific foundations. Scientific development has added many modern teaching and educational methods that the teacher and teacher can benefit from in preparing areas of expertise for learners until They are prepared with a high degree of efficiency, and the interaction of the teacher and the learner in applying the curriculum has become one of the most important conditions for the success of the teaching process through organizing the positive relationship between them. The problem of the research lies in the fact that most of the methods used by teachers of physiology are methods that make the student only a listener without having an effective role in the learning process, which is reflected in his cognitive and personal behavior. The research aims to identify the effect of the assignment method in teaching and teaching the subject of physiology to third-stage students - colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences. The researcher used the method. Experimental design of two equal groups, experimental and control, with a post-test to suit the nature of the problem to be solved, and it included a sample. The research was conducted on students of the third stage / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kufa, their number is (60) students for each group (30 students). The educational and teaching curriculum took (8) weeks and (2) hours per week, and after that the data obtained by the researchers was processed. Using special and appropriate statistical methods and through the results, the researchers reached the following conclusions: -The method of the preparer (assignments) has a positive impact in teaching and teaching the subject of physiology to students in the third stage in colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences.</p> <p>The assignment method is superior to the traditional method used by the physiology teacher. Through the above, the research recommended the following:</p> <p>- Emphasizing the method of appointments in teaching and teaching physiology to third-year students - colleges and departments of physical education and sports sciences.</p> <p>- Conducting other studies and research using the assignment method on subjects other than physiology and on other stages as well.</p> 2023-12-31T17:18:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The effect of competitive exercises on psychological resilience, some biochemical variables, and achievement of 400-meter hurdles runners for young men 2023-12-31T17:47:35+00:00 Ali bukheet Hassan Haider abd ali hamza <p>Competitive exercises are important exercises for refining the player’s personality and entering into a real competitive environment. Hence the importance of research lies in using competitive exercises to raise the functional level of the body’s systems, reduce psychological tension, and increase the young player’s self-confidence by entering an atmosphere similar to the playing field. The research study aimed to prepare Competitive exercises to increase the functional level and psychological resilience of the 400-meter hurdles players, as well as to identify the effect of these exercises on these variables investigated and the level of achievement of the research sample. The researchers used the experimental method with two equal groups, the control and the experimental. The research sample was represented by the players of the Army and Al-Hashd Clubs for the 400-meter hurdles race, who numbered six. Players were divided into two equal groups of three players for each group. Competitive exercises (similar to a race) were carried out at a rate of three training units per week, i.e. 24 training units. The researchers concluded that competitive exercises have a clear effect on the level of psychological resilience of the player, as well as on the level of the hormones serotonin and cortisol, and this helps... Reducing the race time compared to the pre-tests for the experimental research sample. In light of this, the researchers recommend the need to involve the player in competitive competitions with a colleague or in friendly tournaments between teams to overcome cases of anxiety and fear of the fight and increase the toughness of the players</p> 2023-12-31T17:28:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The effect of the SWOM strategy according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal 2023-12-31T17:47:40+00:00 Hayder Jaber Mousa <p>The goal of the research is the effect of the SWOM strategy according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal, while the problem of the research lies in light of what the researcher observed as a weakness in learning physical and motor abilities in addition to not taking into consideration the specialization of each playing position and how to prepare situations. Tactical behavior. As for the research hypotheses, there are significant differences in the level of performance between the two research groups and for the benefit of the players who learn the strategy (Swom) in accordance with the principles of tactical behavior. The researcher used the experimental approach, and the research sample represented the Kufa club’s youth futsal players, who numbered in number. (32) They were divided into two experimental and control groups. Means and tools were used to collect information, and then the researcher used statistical methods, including (spss). The researcher concluded that the (Swom) strategy, according to the principles of behavior, had a positive effect on the physical and motor abilities under research. The most important recommendations were to emphasize the use of the strategy. (Swom) according to the principles of tactical behavior and the performance of some physical and motor abilities in futsal.</p> 2023-12-31T17:44:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023