تحديد درجات معيارية لمهارات الاتصال الإداري لدى الإدارة الفنية" المدربين ومساعديهم" لأندية العراق بالكرة الطائرة من وجهة نظر اللاعبين

  • Ghassan Muhammad Abdel-Sada University of Kufa
  • Ghaith Muhammad Karim University of Kufa
  • Mahmoud Nasser Radhi جامعة الكوفة
Keywords: Standard grades, administrative communication skills, volleyball


The research aimed to: know the levels of administrative communication skills among the technical administration (coaches and their assistants) in the game of volleyball, as well as determine standard grades for their administrative communication skills. As for the most important conclusions, they are: There are average administrative communication skills between the player and the coach, and they need to be developed. The necessity of coaches using modern and multiple administrative methods to deliver their messages to the player.

Author Biography

Mahmoud Nasser Radhi , جامعة الكوفة

The research aimed to: know the levels of administrative communication skills among the technical administration (coaches and their assistants) in the game of volleyball, as well as determine standard grades for their administrative communication skills. As for the most important conclusions, they are: There are average administrative communication skills between the player and the coach, and they need to be developed. The necessity of coaches using modern and multiple administrative methods to deliver their messages to the player.


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