Study the most important sports injuries among students of physical education and sports science at Al Qasim Green University

  • Anwar Waheed Salmane University of Al Qasim Green
  • Al Khafji Asad Kadhim University of Al Qasim Green
Keywords: Sports Injuries, Physical Education and Sports Science Students, University of Al Qasim Green


The study aimed to identify the most common injuries among students of physical education and sports sciences at Al Qasim Green University through the use of the prescriptive curriculum. The study community is made up of all 300 students in physical education and sports science at Al Qasim Green University and included the study sample (25%) of the original study community. The results of the study were that the most common injuries (muscle tightening, lacerations and back), either the least common injuries (eye injuries, dislocation, wounds, fractures, sprains or bruises, bruises or bruises), were found to be the most common and most common injuries to the eye.


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