Social Empowerment Journal <p style="text-align: justify;"><em><strong>Social Empowerment Journal</strong>&nbsp;is an international, blind-double-peer-reviewed, <strong>Trimestral</strong> and <strong>free of charge</strong>, <strong>open-access</strong> academic journal, published by the&nbsp;Labratory of Social Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the Desert Environment,&nbsp;the Faculty of Social Sciences – <strong>University Amar Telidji of Laghouat</strong>, Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities, Social and economic Sciences. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the field. The journal accepts original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned domain. Our journal is published in both print and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All papers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent in two languages (<strong>English, Arabic</strong>) for the four issues (<strong>March, June, September and December</strong>) of each year.</em></p> University Amar Telidji of Laghouat en-US Social Empowerment Journal 2676-234X Social Networking Sites addiction: Conceptual and theoretical perspectives <p><em>This article aims to present what is related to the use of social networking since its inception, to determine what is related to the transformation of this use into compulsive addictive behaviour and the effects resulting from this use, the factors contributing to the development of use to its pathological form, and the explanatory theories and psychological treatment mechanisms that contribute to dealing with This addictive pattern. </em></p> Iman Sarmini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 03 12 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3906 The analyzing of mediation models in structural equations modeling - the case of moderated mediation model- <p><em>Enter your abstract here (an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in one paragraph or two). You can identify the characteristics by clicking in this writing. Enter your abstract here (an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in one paragraph or two). You can identify the characteristics by clicking in this writing. Enter your abstract here (an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in one paragraph or two). You can identify the characteristics by clicking in this writing. here (an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in one paragraph or two at most). You can identify the characteristics by clicking in this writing. Enter your abstract here (an abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in one paragraph or two at most).</em></p> Mohamed Badaoui Abdelhamid Naidjat Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 13 26 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3907 Social anxiety and its relationship to ego strength in university students with motor disabilities <p><em>The aim of the research was to identify social anxiety and its relationship to ego strength among undergraduate students with motor disabilities at the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas. The research sample consisted of (70) male and female students with motor disabilities at the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas were selected in a simple random way, where the scales were distributed to all sample members and (55) forms were retrieved where it was subjected to statistical analysis, and thus the sample became composed of (55) male and female students. The researchers used the Social Anxiety Scale prepared by Al-Asami (2012), the ego strength scale prepared by Baron translated the contour (1982) as research tools, and the research reached the following results: The level of social anxiety among the members of the research sample was average, The level of ego strength among the members of the research sample was high, There is a statistically significant correlation between the scores of the individuals of the research sample on the Social Anxiety Scale and their scores on the ego strength scale, There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the members of the research sample on the Social Anxiety Scale according to the gender variable in favor of females, There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the members of the research sample on the ego strength scale according to the gender variable in favor of males.</em></p> Mohammad Zidan Moneer Alshiekh Hmooud Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 27 48 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3913 The Role of the Arab Impact Factor in Enhancing the Quality of the Scientific Publication of the Periodicals Indexed within Databases for the period 2015-2022 <p><em>The study aimed at identifying the role of the Arab Impact Factor in enhancing the quality of the scientific publication of the periodicals indexed within databases for the period 2015-2022. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, analyzing the Arab Impact Factor reports for the period 2015-2022. Results of the study revealed that the number of the indexed journals in the Arab Impact Factor during the said period has increased from 28 journals en 2015 to 557 journals en 2022, and the likely weight of the overall development percentage in the number of the indexed journals was about (63%), and the number of the new journals that entered the ranking ranged between (28-147), which means an average increase of (90.38) new periodicals per year. The new journals reached their highest level en 2017 when (147) new periodicals entered into the ranking, while the year 2022 witnessed the largest number of 166 journals. The indexed periodicals were distributed to 35 Arab, Islamic and foreign countries. Most of them were brought into focus in the first ten ranks, namely, Algeria, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, and United Arab Emirates, with an estimated total of (2374) magazines, i.e., a combined percentage of more than 85% of the total. While the remaining percentage was distributed to the other countries, in varying proportions. The Arab American University Journal of Research, which is published in Palestine, topped the first three positions during the period (2015-2022), with a seven-time frequency. The results indicated that the Arab Impact Factor has played a moderate role in improving the scientific publication of the indexed journals within databases. However, there was a difference between the level of quality of scientific publication in the first ranking of the indexed journals, and the level of the quality of the scientific publications of these journals in the last general ranking (2022), in favor of the year 2022. The study offered a set of recommendations to enhance the quality of the scientific publishing of the indexed journals.</em></p> Khalil Mouhamed Alkhateeb Helal Alsofeanu Ahmed Alhadrami Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 49 77 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3915 Statistics between theory and practice in the social sciences <p><em>Despite the rapid development we see today in statistics. Which included all aspects of life, but its academic impact in Algeria was not at the level we saw in developed countries where successive eras of statistics development emerged by studying various aspects of life as a result of the interaction and cooperation that took place between academics who contributed to its development.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp; Today, academic statistics in Algeria are trying to follow up on statistical developments in the world, such as applied statistical programs from the majority of international universities, and adopt what is appropriate to modernize academic programs in universities accordingly. However, academics in the field of social statistics complain that these programs are far from the goals of applying statistical methods in the field and are limited to Theoretical is of a mathematical nature, which creates problems and difficulties for graduates during their field work or when completing their academic research.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp; In this paper, we will attempt to address a number of aspects of social statistics to clarify the picture and link the academic/theoretical and the field/applied aspects</em><em>.</em></p> Djaouida Amira Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 78 87 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3920 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) In social science: Applied concepts and models using (Amos) program <p><em>Through this study, we want to shed light on the most important basic concepts on which the structural equation modelling methodology was built, including mathematical rules, shapes and drawings, and how to use the AMOS program as a technique to study social phenomena based on the study hypotheses, and give models and titles for how to solve the problems of the field study with the approved indicators of good conformity. In the Amos program. W here we achieved achieved results.</em></p> Boudali BENAOUN Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 88 110 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3922 Freedom of opinion and expression - a study in international and regional conventions and Algerian constitutions – <p><em>Freedom of opinion and expression is one of the human rights that includes the right to information, to circulate it, and to express opinions about it freely, which is what most countries have affirmed. Together or individually, whether through the umbrella of international bodies; That is, in international conventions and declarations on human rights, or through their national legislation and their efforts to enshrine it in their constitutions, by taking the measures and establishing the necessary mechanisms to achieve adequate protection for it and ensure the legitimate exercise of this right.</em></p> <p><em>This study found that the international community has sought through charters and conventions, whether at the international or regional level, to highlight the importance of guaranteeing and protecting the right to opinion and expression and the need to embody and enshrine it in national constitutions.</em></p> Slimane Chelbak Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 111 120 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3923 Methods for detecting and treating outliers in simple linear regression <p><em>In data analysis, one or more values may appear that are sometimes far from a group of other values. These values appear irrationally compared to the rest of the data, and they can be very small or very large compared to the rest of the data. They are usually undesirable because they cause imbalances, and they are called These are outliers, in this article we discussed a concept, the reasons for their appearance, and the most important methods used to detect them in the simple linear regression technique, and in the end, we suggested some methods to treat them.&nbsp; </em></p> Mohammed Doua Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 121 135 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3924 Demographic analysis of population data: practical examples <p><em>The following paper aims to familiarize itself with the demographic analysis and highlight its importance in analyzing population data and its ability to evaluate and evaluate them and calculate, through them, the most important demographic indicators and how they are interpreted. Using a variety of methods and methods that are supported by practical examples. The techniques used resulted in the conclusion that demographic analysis should precede any analysis of population and demographic phenomena.</em></p> Khadra Rachedi Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 136 153 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3925 Statistical Tests of the Experimental Method in Social Research <p>انتقل الاهتمام في مجال البحوث الاجتماعية من البحوث الكيفيّة إلى البحوث الكميّة، والتي تتطلب استخدام الاختبارات الاحصائيّة. وهو ليس بالأمر الهيّن، فهو يتطلب مهارةً عاليةً وتحكماً في الإحصاء، تحليل البيانات وتفسير النتائج بصورة صحيحة، حتى يتمكن الباحث من حسن اختيار واستخدام هذه الأساليب، وبالتالي تعميم نتائج دراسته. ويعتبر المنهج التجريبي من أصعب المناهج استخداماً في البحوث الاجتماعية وذلك لأنّه يرتبط بالسلوك البشري. إذ لا يمكن للباحث أن يتحكم في كلّ المتغيرات المؤثرة في الظروف التجريبيّة. وقد جاءت هذه الدراسة بهدف الكشف عن أسس وضوابط البحث التجريبي وكذا كيفية اختيار الاختبارات الإحصائية المناسبة.</p> Kheira Dalila ROUMANE Karima BAHRA Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 154 169 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3928 Data review and Analysis <p><em>The studies and Researches have always problems of missing values and outliers, which are often dealt by ignoring or deleting, resulting from it the inaccuracy and validity of the results. So, this study came to refer to both (missing data and outliers) beginning with defining their causes and passing through the mechanisms, then to the most common methods in dealing with this type of data, in order to increase the reliability of the results of studies and research.</em></p> Aicha SOUFRANI Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 170 183 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3929 Stages of designing a communication and media campaign <p><em>Through this research paper, we aim to present the stages of the communication and media campaign, by addressing the communication strategies carried out by the communicator, whether he is an individual, a media institution or an organizational institution, with the aim of contributing to introducing those responsible for communicating in this field to the totality of strategies, measures and preparations. In order to plan communication and media campaigns such as: political and electoral campaigns, medical campaigns, public benefit campaigns, commercial advertising campaigns and public service announcements, public relations management campaigns for service and industrial institutions. To this end, we adopted a scientific methodology represented by the presentation and analysis of theoretical knowledge and we concluded that the stages of the communication campaign should be employed as an integrated and coherent system in an organized, structured, planned and sequential manner in order to achieve the established goals of the communicator.</em></p> Zoubir Benaoun Nawal Taibi Mohamed Derr Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 184 197 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3932 The role of entrepreneurship in empowering Arab women: The case of Algeria <p><em>Women suffer from marginalization in most developing countries, which hinders their social and economic development. The prevailing traditional culture is the reason for the spread of illiteracy, ignorance, and lack of financial income for most women. As a result of this fact, Arab women suffer from weakness and dependence on men in a patriarchal society. Expanding education among girls has helped increase the number of girls to obtain advanced degrees, allowing them to hold jobs and generate income. As a result of the unemployment crisis in Arab societies, most Arab countries have implemented a strategy to encourage young people, including women, to create their own projects. Thus, educated women became more aware of their situation, and the number of successful businesswomen increased. This strategy helped empower women, allowing them to defend their interests and enable them to assume high social and economic positions.</em></p> Boufeldja Ghiat Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 198 208 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3933 Methods and strategies managing occupational stress in the work environment and its impact on the job performance of employees <p><em>The aim of the research is to determine the reality of occupational pressures within work organizations and their impact on the level of job performance in the institution and to reveal the relationship between them and the job performance of workers, by addressing the concept of occupational pressure and job performance, its causes, sources, stages of occurrence, its implications and the most important management methods, and addressing the relationship between professional stress and job performance of the individual and the organization.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study concluded that the various physical and organizational conditions must be improved and the informal communication network expanded to increase cooperation, your eliminate various administrative conflicts, and provide various material and moral incentives Pressures affect job performance with their negative effects on the individual and the organization and on achieving the desired goals of high effective performance as an important requirement that the organization seeks to increase its impact by confronting employees with administrative and professional pressures that cause problems of low performance.</em></p> Naouel Chaine Besma Khemissi Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 209 226 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3938 Classification of qualitative and quantitative data <p><em>This paper aims to highlight the role and importance of statistical data compilation and ranking in scientific research in the social and human sciences, where we tried to address the most important statistical approaches and methods that dealt with data disaggregation methods in order to access statistical analysis. By highlighting the statistical community and sample members, where emphasis was placed on the two most important types of statistical classifications, namely disaggregation of qualitative and quantitative data, Focusing on the style and characteristics of each type.</em></p> Khaled Benbouzid Bachir Belhemari Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 227 236 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3943 Algerian Clothing Culture in Travel Books (19th- 20th century) <p><em>This research paper explores the scope of Algerian cultural manifestations featured in three travel books, at the last third of the nineteenth century and outset of the twentieth century, shedding light on a specific one, which is traditional clothing. The aim is to project the diversity of Algerian fashion and the specificity that characterised some parts of the country, in terms of costumes and styles, including inter alia, those for special events and festivities. Moreover, to identify the significance of traditional clothing in the Algerian society at that time frame, reiterating the importance of travel literature in its documentation. This examination involves some books of that era, especially chosen for discussion and citation. By shedding light on detailed accounts and narratives that provide an insight into Algeria’s cultural prosperity, this paper delves into the characteristics of clothing such as styles, colours, fabrics existed within the specified timeframe (end of 19th- onset of 20th century). The paper is grounded in relevant works published at the time Algeria had been witnessing a turnout of Western intellectuals and artists, particularly from Europe. The three books are: A Woman in the Sahara, by Gordon Helen Cameron, 1914; Winters in Algeria, by F. A. Bridgman, (1890); Murrays Handbook for Travellers in Algeria and Tunis, by Sir R. Lambert Playfair, (1891). Following a roadmap to explore the cultural manifestation through the Algerian traditional clothing, this paper maps out places marked by a popularity of certain essential garments worn by men and women, in terms of where and how they were worn. The paper also includes detailed descriptions of different styles of clothing, summarized and cited from the mentioned works. Hence, the paper concludes the remarkability of the Algerian traditional clothing and its significance in daily life or on special occassions. Additionally, it identifies the status of the Algerian clothing in society with its diverse ethnicities.</em></p> ABIR MOUSSAOUI Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 6 2 237 249 10.34118/sej.v6i2.3946