Social Sciences Journal <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Social Sciences Journal</strong> (SSJ), with <strong>ISSN: 1112-6752</strong>, is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access academic journal, published by the Faculty of Social Sciences – University Amar Telidji of Laghouat - Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities and Social Sciences e.g. psychology, sociology, philosophy, educational sciences, demography ... etc. SSJ provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the domains covered. The journal carries original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned fields of research. Our journal is published in both printed and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All researchers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent at any time in two languages (Arabic and English) for the two issues (March and September) of each year.</p> Faculty of Social Sciences - University Amar Telidji of Laghouat - ALGERIA en-US Social Sciences Journal 1112-6752 Working memory and dyslexia in children with underachievement problem <p><span class="fontstyle0">The present study aimed to reveal the relationship between the working memory weakness and the reading<br>difficulties to the pupils who have underachievement problem, and to expose the differences in working memory<br>level and reading difficulties among latecomers curriculum pupils of primary stage and the normal ones. We applied<br>the reading test of the French researcher Lefavrais and the active memory test with its two branches” visuospatial<br>memory”and the phonological loop designed by Badley and Gathercole on a sample composed of 20 pupils. And<br>the results proved that there is a relationship between the working memory weakness and the reading difficulties to<br>the pupils who have an underachievement problem. And there are statistic significant differences among<br>latecomers curriculum pupils and the normal ones in the variables of reading difficulties and working memory level<br>in both sides (”visuospatial memory”and the phonological loop.“ )</span> </p> Nadjat BENTAYEB Zineb SEHAIRI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 9 24 Cultural diversity arguments of communication and identity reconstruction <p><span class="fontstyle0">The issue of cultural diversity is still the subject of debate and argument especially with the crisis<br>of identities and communication chaos of today. It is a matter that creates many problems at the<br>level of coexistence, harmony and awareness of the need to adopt infinite diversity and also the<br>acceleration of technical technologies that influenced our perceptions of the communication<br>meaning and our understanding of identity. Do we go back and stick to the origins do we go<br>towards the endless change? A discussion in this study is based on scientific backgrounds and<br>visions that demonstrate the need to recognize the concept of renewed communication and respect<br>for differences.</span> </p> Imene SOUKAL Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 25 40 The cultural capital of family and expatriation aspects of pupils <p><span class="fontstyle0">Cultural capital is in the midst of severe underlying illness in the form of asset household<br>these exam papers knowledge commensurate witch the requirements of the school environment,<br>thanks to the interactions within their families and the moral and material property at their<br>disposal, to form in this case an appropriate setting for practicing and learning and success.if you<br>do not fit this cultural capital for their hopes, may constitute a wahzafhm them frustrating hinders<br>the process of adaptation to the school environment, which drives them to social isolation and<br>loss of standards,all this would deepen the sense of alienation and pushes them to dislike of<br>school.</span> </p> Karima ATOUB Youcef HANTABLI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 41 51 Study of the pattern of relations between Algeria and its neighbouring states <p><span class="fontstyle0">The study is a historical reading of Algerian-African external relations, especially after noting the<br>great role played by Algeria in resolving conflicts and the various crises to which their neighbouring<br>are exposed, which has earned them an important place for North African and Sahel states, and that<br>the diversity of these Relations between political, economic, cultural and social relations, which<br>confirms that the Algerian-African relations are not the product present indeed, they are rooted in<br>the depth of history, and I have thought to look at the pattern of external relations between Algeria<br>and its neighbouring States.</span> </p> Fadila ACHOUR Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 52 63 The Student Social Movement -Analytical Study <p><span class="fontstyle0">Through this study, we have shed light on the student social movement and its impact<br>on the stability of the university. What the Algerian University is witnessing today is the<br>development and change of its owner in exchange for various protests by the student organizations<br>that seek through these protests to reach the nominal goal to achieve the students' goals. It must<br>strive to preserve its principles and achieve its ultimate goal as it contains the elite that build society</span> </p> Ahmed SOUICI Hocine BENSLIME Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 64 71 Sociology of Tibal structure - Theoretical Sudy <p><span class="fontstyle0">L'analyse sociologique de la structure de la tribu repose sur le concept de la tribu comme<br>unité sociale fondamentale des êtres humains dans une période historique donnée, qui est le<br>moteur principal de l'histoire humaine, du développement et du développement et qui surmonte<br>les crises économiques ou matérielles dans un certain laps de temps. Et donc avoir une certaine<br>idéologie qui les suit et les guide.Ceci est considéré comme un aspect de la superstructure, qui à son<br>tour affecte l'infrastructure</span> </p> Atallah NOUAI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 72 80 Dynamics of Youth Entrepreneurship in Algeria - Analytical Socio-Economic Analysis <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article discusses the dynamics of youth entrepreneurship in Algeria and aims to<br>provide a theoretical perspective that includes the definition of youth entrepreneurship, the<br>historical development of the concept of the contractor, the motivation of young people towards<br>entrepreneurship, The process of establishing youth entrepreneurship in Algeria and the<br>contribution of youth entrepreneurship to the diversification of the Algerian economy.Depending<br>on the descriptive analytical approach, drawing on a set of statistics, and the results of previous<br>studies. The study concluded with a number of results, which clearly highlighted the social or<br>organizational dynamics of youth entrepreneurship in Algeria</span> </p> Rafik KAROUI Hadda AMRAOUI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 81 94 Improve the independence of a child with Down syndrome <p>This study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the psychological counseling program and the parents in improving the independence of the child with Down Syndrome. A sample of 12 parents and 06 children with Down syndrome was chosen by the National Society for School and Vocational Integration of children with Down syndrome. Using the measure of functional independence. The results of the study indicated that the parental guidance program used to improve the independence of the child with Down Syndrome was effective</p> Amina BENKOU Hocine FESIANE Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 95 113 The marital choice and its relation to the level of ambition in a sample of students of Laghouat University <p><span class="fontstyle0">This study aimed to find out the relationship between the marital choice and the level of<br>ambition among a sample of the University of Laghouat students, as well as the knowledge of the most<br>favored students' marital selection criteria and knowledge of the level of ambition, has used the<br>descriptive approach, as applied spousal selection prepared by researchers questionnaire and an<br>ambitious Mouawad and Abdul great 2005 on a sample of 70 students from Laghouat University<br>students, was reached that there is no correlation between marital choice and the level of ambition,<br>and the results showed that the emotional standard and psychological among the most marital choice<br>standard preference among students, as a level passed P of ambition among university students<br>Laghouat.</span> </p> Messaouda BENSAYEH Mohamed DAOUDI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 114 126 The parenting methods of treatment and the acquisition of the behavior of violence to the child in the Algerian Family <p>Parental treatment is one of the most important methods of bringing up that the child interacts with from the first beginings and through which he identifies the world around him, especially the family. These methods may be positive and correct. They help him satisfy psychological needs and complete development and achieve his compatibility in his environment, especially if those methods are based on perfect educational and psychological basics, as dialogue, agreement and attention…and others.., or they may be obstructive to his social and psychological development ,especially if they are based on wrong and non-perfect concepts basics, as violence, abusive and negligence, which in turn leave negative effects on the child personality and his life and future, because the children practice their first human relations with their parents from their birth which offers this interaction a great impact on their behaviors towards the others in future.</p> Amina AGUENINI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 127 138 Standardize the measure of life’s quality –BREF (WHOQOL-BREF)on samples from Algerian environment <p>The aim of this study is to standardize the measure of life’s quality –BREF (WHOQOL-BREF)on samples from Algerian environment. The researcher chose 200 employer as a sample and uses the descriptive method. She translated the measure and reviewed it by experts of language and psychology with a reverse translation. Validity and reliability indicators were counted. The Disparate Validity’s indicators are high : ( T) ‘s rate amounted 25.26and Internal Consistency’s Validity indicator varied from (0.84-0.71), while the Reliability indicator –ALPHA CRONBACH amounted 0.885 for a measure. The reliability indicator of the measure via split-half was high (0.817). Thus, this measure is dependable because it has a high indicators of validity and reliability; we can use it to gather information and employ it in scientific research widely.</p> Fatima HAMZA Boudaoued HOCINE Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 139 157 The Modern Theory of Measurement (Theory, Rush Model) <p><span class="fontstyle0">Measurement has several purposes in the psychological and educational sciences,<br>measurement tools, especially tests and measurements have different purposes such as<br>achievement, progress, classification, supervision, guidance and setting standards and other<br>purposes, There are many criteria used to select items Measurement tools. The vast majority of<br>these standards stemmed from traditional or classical concepts of measurement, While the modern<br>theory of measurement, or what is known as the item response theory to the paragraph a new<br>scientific framework and close to the selection of items at the present time, and address many of the<br>issues of education and psychological more effective than the traditional theory. Thus, this<br>theoretical study dealt with the two most important trends in the field of psychological<br>measurement. It presented the following elements: the transition from classical to modern theory,<br>classical theory and basic assumptions, modern theory and its most important principles</span> </p> Bachir HABICHE Mostafa LAKHAL Ali CHERIFI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 158 166 The role of Najran University Sharoura branch in the service of the local community <p><span class="fontstyle0">The study aimed at knowing the role of Najran University, Sharurah branch, in serving the local<br>community and the difficulties that encounter this role through a scale designed for this purpose, according to the<br>variables (type, scientific rank, specialization). To achieve these goals, the researcher answered the study questions<br>by using statistical methods, where mathematical averages and standard deviation for the questionnaire items were<br>calculated; also, by using T- Test, analysis of mono-variance and by using Scheffe's Test for comparisons. The study<br>resulted in the following results:<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">- </span><span class="fontstyle0">The University of Najran strongly provides an important role in serving the local community and this is<br>represented in the sections that obtained an arithmetic mean between (3.8 - 3.23).<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">- </span><span class="fontstyle0">There are difficulties in performing the role. These were represented in the sections that obtained an arithmetic<br>mean between (1.66 - 2.31).<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">- </span><span class="fontstyle0">There are statistically significant differences at the level of (</span><span class="fontstyle3">α</span><span class="fontstyle0">≥0.05) between mathematical averages due to the<br>difference in gender variable and for male favor. And there are differences due to different specialization and for<br>favor of scientific specialization. And also differences attributed to the academic rank for favor of the lecturer and<br>the associate professor.<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">- </span><span class="fontstyle0">There are no statistically significant differences at level (0.05) between mathematical averages attributable to<br>type, scientific specialization or academic rank in assessing the difficulties that encounter the university branch in<br>serving the local community.</span> </p> Hisham ahmed BNI KHALAF Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 167 185 El Hadith Scholars’ Method and its Impact on Human and Social Sciences <p><span class="fontstyle0">Modern scientists possess a distinct approach in the criticism of the novel and showing<br>their acceptance , what is true and what is not true where they innovated in the creation of rules<br>and in the codification of its sciences. This stunned humanity stunned and provided people with a<br>method that can be invested in the fields of knowledge to multi-track sets and paves the way for it<br>even to become the most prestigious and respected method in the evaluation of the scholars.This<br>critical approach, for modern scientists, has as its great goal of preserving the heritage of the<br>Prophet Mohammad as the second source of legislation in Islam. Some abusers tried to manipulate<br>it and there are still plans to challenge it. It is not surprising that the efforts of the newcomers within<br>the research methods in the Islamic sciences in particular are observable, but in general rules they<br>intersect with the research methods in the social and human sciences, where it has been invested,<br>and benefited from, noticeably in the eyes of a handful of researchers as history, language and<br>literature, science and other legal sciences.</span> </p> Benyoucef CHTIH Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 186 196 A Suggested Prospective to Administration Secondary School for Gifted in the Republic of Yemen In the Light of International Standards <p><span class="fontstyle0">The aim of the research is to present a proposed scenario for the administrative processes<br>related to (planning - organization and coordination - guidance and orientation - monitoring and<br>monitoring - evaluation), in the secondary school for gifted in the Republic of Yemen in the light of<br>international standards, to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher adopted the method of<br>(Delphi) in order to explore the views of experts (sample research), the number of (11) experts, the<br>research reached a number of results, the most important; in the first round, the ratio was(98.15%),<br>the second round increased to (98.96%), the range between the two rounds of the instrument as a<br>whole was equal to (0.81%). This indicates an increased consensus of experts on their views.</span> </p> Mohamed zen SALEH EL SAADI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 197 218 The degree of use of learning Styles methods according to the model of learning experience of "Kolb" at the third year secondary school students in the city of Hassi R’mel <p><span class="fontstyle0">Research aims to know the degree of use of the experiential learning model with learning<br>methods for 'Kolb' when third-year city secondary learners Hassi R’mel, may use a measure<br>learning styles ' Kolb ' for 'Elham waked' led after confirming the psychometric characteristics of the<br>sample reached 104 educated and found results that The most commonly used method is the<br>adaptive method followed by the altbaadi method and then finally converged and assimilation, and<br>the lack of differences in learning styles vary by course (literary and scientific), while there are<br>differences in learning methods with different level of academic achievement (High and low) have<br>a sample search.</span> </p> Samiha LAICH Ahmed BENSAAD Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 219 230 Sociological analysis of the manifestations of conflict in the Algerian institution - an empiric vision <p>The aim of this article is to analyze some of the empirical studies that attempted to explain the work relations within the institution and the society, which is a reflection of the different theoretical currents that dealt with the subject. We will try to expose the most important studies on the manifestations of the conflict and stand on some theoretical and methodological aspects. We are in the process of being exposed to them in several institutions and societies. The selection of these studies was not based on the backgrounds adopted or the basis for them, but we categorized them in the logical order of the research ideas and for the purposes of our subject. Based on the above, we tried, first, to present some studies that focused on the interpretation of the forms of labor conflict at the level of the institution, whether local or foreign, and then moved to the presentation of some studies that focused on the interpretation of conflict at the level of society in general, and finally we tried to address the privacy of the Algerian society, and highlighted the economic and social transformations it experienced</p> Tahar GHERRAZ Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 231 248 Quality of life and innovative creative thinking of the teacher <p>of study (survey) This article is part of a study prepared by the researcher entitled " The quality of life of the secondary school teacher and his relation to their innovative and creative thinking". This study attempts to clarify and reveal a phenomenon in the school environment and the personal aspect of teachers and their lives. It stated that teachers are not satisfied with their professional lives. They are facing many psychological problems and pressures which affected their professional performance. This profession requires a kind of focus and attention to reach the established goals as raising educational and cognitive achievement level of the student, which in turn requires a kind of teaching skills and creativity. That’s why the researcher tries to give a clear concept about the quality of life of the teachers, its factors, its relationship and its impact on the professional performance of the teacher. In addition to whether the existence of creativity in the teaching profession and creating teaching methods are . mainly linked to the quality of life of the teacher himself The researcher also tries to present some of the elements related to this topic and to present a copy on how the teacher's life is as well as a proposed model for a questionnaire on creativity and professional innovation in teaching. This is part of a survey related to the article‘s topic . and which has not been finished yet. It is applied by the researcher on some of secondary school teachers in Laghouat</p> Mustapha HASSANI Tidjani BENTAHAR Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 249 272 Scale of Anxiety Occupational Future of Students coming to graduate <p>The aim of this study is to Construct the Scale of Anxiety Occupational Future and apply it to a <br>sample of Students coming to graduate from the Algerian environment. For this purpose, we ha ve <br>chosen a sample of (127) students. The scale consists of (35) items within three indicators: negative <br>and pessimistic thinking in the professional future, the psychological manifestations of the Anxiety <br>Occupational Future, and the physical manifestations of the Anxiety Occupational Future. We have <br>applied two methods: half dividing and the internal coherence method through counting Alpha <br>coefficient Cronback, to sustain this measurement we have used the following validity <br>measurements: the method through counting and the Comparison peripheral Believe. We have <br>reached that the Scale of Anxiety Occupational Future realized accepted levels of validity and <br>reliability. <br><br></p> Soulef MECHRI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 273 288 The reality of national identity among the students of the 11th grade in Oman within the framework of levels and differences: education of southern Batinah mode <p>The study aimed to identifying the levels of national identity among the 11th grade students in South Batinah Governorate and To detect statistical differences in national identity levels according to gender, type of study, school environment and state. The national identity scale was applied to (158) students in 11th grade in South Batinah Governorate. The results of the study showed that the national identity levels among the 11th grade students in South Batinah Governorate are high. The results of the study showed also that there are differences in national identity levels in favor of females and applied study and the rural school environment. and statistically significant differences in national identity levels due to state variable. In the light of the previous results, the study came out with a set of recommendations to serve the educational field</p> Saoud ben mebarek ALBADRI Saif ben badre KINDI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 289 311 Customary Marriage Between Custom and Law in Algeria A study theoretical - <p>Marriage is the basis of family formation, which is a fundamental unit of society, and any<br>imbalance in this foundation will have a profound impact on both the family and the community.<br>Marriage has changed in its types and forms due to the appearance of laws governing it, Among<br>these phenomena is the prevalence of customary marriages, especially among young people in the<br>Arab world, we first explore the nature of the customary marriage and its legitimate rule, as well as<br>its motives and effects in Algerian societ</p> Fatima SALMI Hafsa DJERADI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 312 323 Educational Goals and their role in the installation of the graduation mark for students of the end of primary Education <p>Professionals emphasize the importance of formulating instructional goals in behavioral terms. This behavior expresses a noticeable learning output that is expected to occur in learners' behavior. Only then, the behavioral goal will be a teaching goal formulated in the language of observable behavior and expected to be achieved at the end of a given period or stage of study. The graduation feature adopted in the new curriculum indicates all the characteristics that must be highlighted in the student's learning, behavior and personality after graduating from a stage of education. These are the objectives set out in the new curriculum. The graduation feature is a set of knowledge, behaviors and competences, formulating learning in its cognitive, sensory and emotional dimension</p> Ahmed BENHORMA Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 324 333 Language And Communicative Disorders For Hysteria: A Psycholinguistic Approach <p>&nbsp;The aim of the approach between psychopathology and linguistic psychology is to enlarge the circle of this research in orthophony, because linguistic disorders and psychological diseases are above all problems on the level of verbal and non verbal communication, moreover both the orthophonist and psychologist must work at this level, and its tools as the most important means of communication and a tool for representations. In addition to the difference between normal and abnormal personality level is mainly due to the stages of development of language abilities, which leads us in this study to rely on the idea that hysterical disorder is a disorder of language behavior which comes to be added to the unrest that belong to other aspects of personality</p> Fakht MAAROUF Mohamed HAOULA Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 334 347 The degree of practice of the students of Ajloun University College at Al-Balqa Applied University for economic and political values from their own point of view and its relationship with gender and academic specialization <p>The study aimed at identifying the degree of practice of the students of Ajloun University College of Applied University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for economic and political values from their own point of view and related to some variables such as gender variable and academic specialization, where the student uses the descriptive approach in addition to using questionnaire as a tool for study, The sample of the study consisted of (200) students from Ajloun University College. The study reached the following results: 1. The level of practice of students at Ajloun University College for economic and political values was high. 2. There are no statistically significant differences in the level of practice of students at Ajloun University College for economic and political values which are attributed to the variables of the study which is the gender variable (male and female) and the variable of the academic specialization to which the student follows (scientific, human)</p> Mohamed amer aid MOMANI Copyright (c) 2018 Social Sciences journal 2018-12-01 2018-12-01 12 4 348 365