L'Université Amar Telidji de Laghouat lance une plateforme de revues, qui offre une expérience utilisateur optimale à la communauté scientifique.
La plateforme est installée à l'aide du système de publication PKP-OJS, qui offre pleinement les possibilités de recherche et de découverte numériques. Les avantages de ce système incluent des services tiers à tous les utilisateurs (éditeurs, examinateurs, auteurs et lecteurs), qui ont accès à une variété d'outils pour personnaliser les préférences, les citations d'exportation, les connexions directes avec les comptes de médias sociaux et une fonction qui permet des recommandations de titres aux bibliothécaires.

Pr. Hamdi Abouelkacem, Responsable des revues de l'université:
Email: journals@lagh-univ.dz , journals.admin@lagh-univ.dz


  • Journal of Building Materials and Structures

    Journal of Building Materials and Structures (JBMS) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal, with no publication fee that publishes, in English, in all areas of building materials and engineering structures. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. JBMS offers a meeting targeted for specialists around the world to publish and discuss all topics related to the building materials and structures.  JBMS topics include, but are not limited to, research on : (1) Elaboration and characterization of building materials; (2) Experimental techniques; (3) Microstructural properties and structural engineering.

  • Revue Dirassat Issue Economique

    Dirassat Journal Economic Issue (DJEI) (ISSN: 2676-2013. E-ISSN: 2676-2080) is open access, peer-reviewed Bi-Annual journal publishing theoretical and empirical research papers covering the significant aspects of management, accounting, economics, management information systems, and finance.  All articles in Dirassat Journal Economic Issue are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. DJEI is published by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal emphasizes theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research. The journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities, policymakers, and operational decision-makers.

  • Social Sciences Journal

    Social Sciences Journal (SSJ), with ISSN: 1112-6752, is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access academic journal, published by the Faculty of Social Sciences – University Amar Telidji of Laghouat - Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities and Social Sciences e.g. psychology, sociology, philosophy, educational sciences, demography ... etc. SSJ provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the domains covered. The journal carries original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned fields of research. Our journal is published in both printed and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All researchers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent at any time in two languages (Arabic and English) for the two issues (March and September) of each year.

  • Social Empowerment Journal

    Social Empowerment Journal is an international, blind-double-peer-reviewed, Trimestral and free of charge, open-access academic journal, published by the Labratory of Social Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the Desert Environment, the Faculty of Social Sciences – University Amar Telidji of Laghouat, Algeria. The journal focuses on topics related to Humanities, Social and economic Sciences. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the field. The journal accepts original and full-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned domain. Our journal is published in both print and electronic versions. The electronic version can be accessed and downloaded freely. All papers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal. Manuscripts can be sent in two languages (English, Arabic) for the four issues (March, June, September and December) of each year.

  • Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons

    Horizons of Science and Knowledge magazine focuses on how to obtain research results through human studies and works to encourage research into them. Only enduring, interdisciplinary humanities studies that can be generalized across different fields achieve results. The journal welcomes research papers related to areas of the humanities that improve the quality of research or that can be used to advance the field. The journal's articles explore changes in research that encourage the humanities to promote best practices within society. The journal provides an outlet for high-quality, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. Through this, the journal ensures that these studies reach a global audience of scientists and researchers who recognize the importance of research in this field as engines that base their decisions on new ideas and results in this field. The magazine was created under the auspices of the University of Laghouat, affiliated with the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. The journal publishes its content in the form of theoretical articles and multiple studies that use different methods, some practice-oriented, some teaching-oriented, and case studies of current trends in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on topics in the humanities and appeals to a wide range of readers. The editors welcome topic suggestions for special issues. Journal articles should clarify contextual differences and highlight lessons learned for the wider audience. In short, it is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of humanities dedicated to advancing research and theoretical and practical knowledge in several fields. ..
    jskp is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, open to all authors, regardless of their methodology and/or theoretical background. JSKP is published twice a year in June and December. Manuscripts are published mainly in Arabic, English or French. The aim of establishing this journal is to provide a platform for researchers to publish their original research, review articles, and other scientific works related to a specific field or topic. The journal aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of science and knowledge by publishing high-quality research results and promoting academic discourse and collaboration. The journal is likely to interest scholars internationally because it provides a forum for academics from different regions and backgrounds to exchange ideas and share their ideas and research findings. By publishing in this journal, researchers can reach a global audience and interact with other researchers who may have different viewpoints and approaches. . This can lead to new insights and collaborations that benefit the field and advance academic scholarship. In addition, the journal may attract contributions from researchers interested in the specific topic or area of research it covers, further contributing to its international appeal. The rationale for this journal is to provide a platform for researchers to publish and review their original research. Articles and other scientific works related to a specific field or topic.

  • Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research

    Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research (JEEMR) International specialized Refereed scientific journal The Faculty of economics, Commercial and sciences management University of Laghouat Amar Tledji- Algeria JEEMR Journal of Excellence for Economic and Management Research (JEEMR) is a specialized international scientific journal issued by the Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and Management Sciences. the University of Laghouat, Algeria, Issued since 2017 . It is a scientific theoretical and intellectual addition to various subjects of economics and administrative sciences. It contributes to the dissemination of original and specialized scientific researches to all academics and university professors. In economic and other related sciences, with special attention to applied and analytical studies based on objectivity, scientific level, accuracy and degree of documentation.

  • MO' assira Economic Research

    Contemporary Economic Researches Issue (ISSN 2602-7623) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, biannual, open-source journal from the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria. CERI has no article submission and processing charges, with a strong editorial board and a tested rapid peer review system. Contemporary Economic Researches Issue intends to contribute to the development and propagation of knowledge on management, commerce, accounting, marketing, and economics, thus feeding scholars, researchers, and practitioners with valuable new insights from theory and practice. In the same line Contemporary Economic Researches Issue invites authors to submit empirical papers analyzing specific questions using qualitative or quantitative techniques—conceptual papers developing propositions and outlining further research. In all the above cases, Contemporary Economic Researches Issue encourages quality papers by researchers. CERI’s quest for quality is reflected in the structure of the journal’s editorial board as well as the strong network of reviewers, which allows the peer review process to be rigorous and constructive, helping to advance research work. Contemporary Economic Researches Issue publishes original scientific works of researchers in all of the above fields in any of the following languages: Arabic, English, or French. CERI owns the copyright of each article it published; the author(s) has to get the approval of the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF for any other uses of the article.

  • Avicenna Medical Research

    Avicenna Medical Research (AMR) est une revue médicale de la Faculté de Médecine de Laghouat destinée prioritairement à la communauté scientifique médicale ; il a pour objet de rendre compte des évolutions scientifiques dans le domaine médical, de favoriser le partage des connaissances au sein de la communauté médicale (scientifiques, soignants), notamment entre médecins hospitaliers et hospitalo-universitaires ; Par ailleurs, l'AMR vise à rendre compte des apports des sciences humaines liés à la médecine telles que l'histoire, le droit, l'éthique ou la communication. Il offre à ses lecteurs (chercheurs, hospitalo-académiques, médecins, enseignants, étudiants) un aperçu clair et concis des avancées de la recherche biologique, médicale et sanitaire, nationale et internationale
    AMR publie également des dossiers d'actualité
    AMR publie des articles de formation médicale continue en anglais et en français dans tous les domaines de la médecine :
    - Les revues de littérature ont pour objectif de faire un état des lieux complet des connaissances concernant une pathologie ou un groupe de pathologies.
    - Les articles de revue ont pour but d'éclairer les connaissances, de mettre en lumière les acquisitions récentes, d'aborder des perspectives d'avenir ou d'attirer l'attention sur des questions encore non résolues ou controversées. Le sujet et les objectifs de chaque article doivent être clairement définis. d'autres types d'articles sont acceptés : analyses de cas, recommandations pour la pratique (guidelines), nouveau concept,…..

  • ATTAKAMUL Journal of Social and Sports Sciences Researches

    ATTAKAMUL - مجلة أبحاث العلوم الاجتماعية والرياضية هي مجلة دولية مزدوجة التعمية تتم مراجعتها من قبل الأقران ، نصف سنوية ومجانية ، مفتوحة الوصول ينشرها  - جامعة عمار تلجي - الأغواط ، الجزائر. تركز المجلة على الموضوعات التالية: علوم الرياضة وعلم النفس وعلم الاجتماع. يوفر منصة أكاديمية للمهنيين والباحثين للمساهمة في العمل المبتكر في هذا المجال. تحتوي المجلة على مقالات أصلية وكاملة تعكس أحدث الأبحاث والتطورات في الجوانب العملية الرياضية والمجتمع والسلوك البشري. يتم نشر المجلة في كل من النسخ المطبوعة وعلى الإنترنت. الإصدار عبر الإنترنت هو الوصول المجاني والتنزيل. نرحب بجميع الصحف في جميع أنحاء العالم في مجلتنا الدولية.

  • Tadawoulyyat

    Dans ce contexte scientifique et culturel prometteur que connaît la recherche linguistique dans les universités algériennes et arabes, nous avons l'intention de créer une nouvelle progéniture scientifique, lui souhaitant succès, continuité et longévité. Nous affirmons notre détermination pour que cette création soit une véritable addition qualitative qui apporte quelque chose de significatif au domaine de la linguistique, plutôt que de simplement accumuler du contenu quantitatif qui augmente en quantité sans diversité. Nous visons à en faire une plateforme pour la connaissance bénéfique et l'étude sérieuse, avec un rappel constant à nos collègues des universités et des centres de recherche que ce qui nous motive et nous pousse à travailler est la rareté - voire l'absence - de revues scientifiques arabes spécialisées dans ce domaine, notamment le domaine de la "linguistique pragmatique", malgré l'abondance de chercheurs et de jeunes titulaires de doctorat dans cette branche linguistique et dans les domaines cognitifs connexes.

    Selon notre point de vue, cette entreprise linguistique académique émergente doit avoir plusieurs objectifs scientifiques et pédagogiques, avec au moins deux objectifs fondamentaux :

    1. La localisation de ces sciences et théories modernes dans notre langue arabe, au sein de nos universités et parmi nos chercheurs, tant sur le plan théorique qu'appliqué. La maîtrise de leurs langues d'origine, la compréhension de leurs mécanismes cognitifs, de leurs contextes intellectuels et de leurs antécédents historiques sont essentiels. Les chercheurs et les doctorants devraient être habitués à traiter avec ces sciences nouvellement établies de manière scientifiquement solide, exempte de tout préjugé métaphysique ou inclinaisons idéologiques extrêmes.

    2. Travailler à la revitalisation du patrimoine scientifique arabe, à sa réinterprétation selon de nouvelles perspectives appropriées et à l'établissement d'une connexion scientifique solide entre celui-ci et les aspects théoriques et pratiques de l'ère contemporaine, sans imposition arbitraire ni réduction.